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Love for Living Animals: The Last Three Addaxes in the Wild Have a Strong Potential to Survive Climate Change. But First, They Must Overcome Extinction.

ESSAY We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects, spiders, lizards, bedbugs, lice, fleas, roundworms,…

Pivot to the Future: How to Run Your Own Art Space

THE ARTS     Last January 18, 2022,  I attended a webinar focused on the “ in-depth look at the latest models for hosting activities, community engagement, operations, and sustainability” hosted by S.E.A, a Singapore-based art platform. According to the…

Overcoming obstacles towards a World Citizens’ Parliament

Global challenges and pathologies (climate change, the destruction of the shared biosphere, poverty and unequal distribution of wealth, profit-orientation, authoritarianism, gender inequality, racism, and more) require worldwide networking and solutions, which, however, must not only be enforced at the global…


With the beginning of a new year comes the dreams of “Better.” We all desire this picture of a better this or better that. Most want it to fall into our lap, myself included. What dawns on me is that…

Pressenza and indigenous peoples

According to the latest UN data, there are 476 million indigenous people in the world, in 90 countries on 5 continents. Although they are very diverse peoples, we are going to highlight some common points that seem important to us.…

Universal Basic Income, video with Juana Pérez

In the context of the first international virtual meeting of our agency Pressenza this year, Spanish journalist Juana Pérez commented on the issue that we have given editorial priority to in all nine languages we work with, Universal Basic Income.…

Magic, reality and hope

Latin America is a continent where magic is permanently mixed with reality, from the streets of Macondo in García Márquez’s “100 Years of Solitude”, the stories and novels of Cortázar, or those of Horacio Quiroga and so many others, we…

Pakistan’s perspective on the “New Cold War”: Interview with Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed

Interview by Cecilia Capanna for Pressenza. The world is splitting increasingly into two halves. This is not the first time. There’s a lot of talk about the US and China waging a so called “New Cold War”. There’s a lot…

Chile: Historical debt to teachers

Another big step in the struggle for the payment of the so-called “Historical Debt” was taken by the Metropolitan College of Teachers of Chile, led by its President Mario Aguilar, together with 15 members of the Chilean teachers’ union, by…

The long road to nonviolence

Six months ago, in this same space, we proposed replacing the national motto with one that discarded violence as a way of relating to each other or of resolving conflicts and looking to the long term, because “what can we…

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