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The White-West is Back in Business

The West is back in business with a new war in Europe. After 60 years without real tension and no tanks on the streets (besides, Kosovo and Northern Ireland), the war machine is back in Ukraine. I’m not being sarcastic;…

Bullying: An argot to hide bullying?

In Chile and Latin America, we use English words, because it has been in the United States or England where concepts made invisible in our Spanish-speaking continent have been given relevance. Using words from another language hides their meaning until…

People! Please wake up before it’s too late.

The situation in Ukraine is bringing the world to the brink of a nuclear war. No matter whose propaganda you believe, the USA and Russia have over 10,000 nuclear weapons between them. Never forget that a war fought with even…

Western Sahara: occupation forces sweep through Dakhla after several days of demonstrations

The occupying forces yesterday stormed violently into the occupied city of Dakhla, attacking participants in demonstrations which have been taking place over the last few days over the disappearance of Lahbib Aghrichi, a Saharawi. These demonstrations, peaceful and well organised,…

Anthropocene: will nuclear weapons be our legacy in this geological era?

Anthropocene is the name given to the current geological period, as in the past we spoke of Pleistocene or Holocene. This new era or period is determined by the changes produced by human activity, biological or geological changes on a…

Antonio Carvallo Interview Dr Vinya Ariyaratne

Pressenza Interview with Dr Vinya Ariyaratne, President of Sarvodaya the largest NGO in Sri Lanka reaching with their message of compassion and nonviolence over 15000 villages in the country. Transcript: I am Antonio Carvallo editor of presence and member of…

Inside the World Humanist Forum-Asia: A Chilean humanist gives his support for the forum

Antonio Carvallo is one of the organizers of the WHF-Asia. With a background in law from the University of Chile, he joined the starting Humanist Movement founded by Silo, Argentine author and spiritual guide, in 1969. Over the subsequent years,…

Colombia one step closer to decriminalisation of abortion

The Constitutional Court ruled, on 21 February, in favour of decriminalising abortion to make the procedure viable up to 24 weeks or six months of gestation. After more than 500 days since Causa Justa filed the lawsuit to eliminate the…

No need to destroy “the good” => for people “like us”: the yellows

This group nostalgic for the years of Concertación’s reign, says: “Call for reflection in the constitutional debate”, as if in Chile there has been no reflection, particularly from 18 October 2019 onwards … Of course, there has been reflection on…

The blind leading the blind!

Joe, Justin & Poutine want to go to war to raise their popularity rating! For a few days, we have been particularly worried by the trend that we are witnessing from various leaders when they speak of the invasion of…

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