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There is only one winner in the Ukrainian war: the US

Many are surprised by Russia’s sudden and violent reaction, which is to be expected if one pays attention to the processes and not just the details. Already in 2007, in the Europe for Peace declaration, it was said that Europe…

My first aid kit: Oregano-05

This is the fifth instalment of this series in which we are disseminating the most important healing qualities of each plant from the point of view of phytotherapy. We have chosen them for their proximity, affinity and for being suitable…

From Moscow: No to war!

History is a hall of mirrors. The parties change places and roles and reflect each other with incredible precision, the grotesque distortion achieved by the curved mirrors of propaganda only highlighting that they are identical. It is impossible to build…

War in Europe again

Unfortunately, we are once again at war in Europe. What a culture we have that does not know how to resolve its conflicts peacefully! What a terrible history of wars we have in our culture! By Juan Espinosa I have…

Peace enters with blood

Yesterday, EU High Representative Josep Borrell announced that the European Peace Fund, a previously unheard of extra-budgetary instrument, will fulfil its peace-building and peace-building mission by supplying weapons to Ukrainian charitable souls. In other words, the European Union, the recent…

Conflict in Ukraine: a virtuoso composer-musician speaks out

I never knew that Alexandr Misko was Russian. All I knew and what mattered was that he plays a mean guitar in a unique fingerstyle that will dazzle you and he composes melodies that penetrate and inspire. His music on…

Chris Hedges’ Speech in Times Square during a Veterans for Peace Rally along Ukrainians

Photo reportage by Anthony Donovan Segment of Chris Hedges’ Speech Our own defense budget for 2022: The Biden administration has asked Congress to provide $6.4 billion in funding to assist Ukraine, supplementing the $650 million in military aid to Ukraine…

The US and NATO’s Sacrifice Of Ukraine

THE INCEPTION POINT OF A NEW ERA We are fast approaching the 33rd anniversary of Mikhail Gorbachev’s decision to untie the Soviet knot that held back the countries of Eastern Europe from moving in an independent, democratic direction. A decision…

Boric’s victory from a humanist point of view

Almost two months have passed since Gabriel Boric’s victory in the second round, an electoral victory that caused an impact not only in Chile but also internationally. Such impact came from different perspectives, from the geopolitical perspective announcing the failure…

How many more lives does Europe want to sacrifice to extend NATO’s borders?

It is urgent to stop the war and put an end to the pain of the Ukrainian people. Russia must immediately withdraw its troops and stop the aggression against Ukraine. But how many more lives is Europe willing to sacrifice…

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