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Tana’s sandals

She can see her fingertips cracked by the use of so many chemicals, her hands that have worked the land for 24 years cleaning restaurants and shopping centres. Originally from Camotán, Chiquimula, Guatemala, Tana left her indigenous clothing, from the…

Sri Lankan people demand resignation of government and fundamental changes

The Sri Lankan people are making their protest on the streets felt with FORCE, holding Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government in check and demanding his resignation. The economic and health emergency is total. A shortage of medicines and petrol, rising prices, rolling…

My First Aid Kit: Turmeric-10-

This is the tenth in the promised series, as we have seen we are surrounded and accompanied, nourished and healed by great talents. There were only ten examples that we went through together, and those who know say that we…

Pianist/composer Eunhye Jeong and the Goindol Project- South Korea

MUSIC AND CULTURE/INTERVIEW       Pianist/composer Eunhye Jeong is a creative musician with a critical mind that keeps expanding her musical world with diligent research. She has performed with legendary Wadada Leo Smith, a multiple award-winner, a Pulitzer Prize…

The White-West: Book Review by PhD. Mahboob A. Khawaja

Book: The White -West: A Look in the Mirror by David Andersson | Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart Books are words that thinking authors try to transform into logical actions for readers to imagine the reality of ideas and ideals. …

In the vicious circle of the same model

It took only two weeks for the right wing and big business to dispel their fears about Gabriel Boric’s presidential victory. In just a few days these sectors managed to install an economist of their confidence in the Finance Ministry…

Chile: Between oxen there is no goring

PREAMBLE In many of our articles we have referred to the implacable struggle that the Chilean ‘political elite’ is waging against the national community. It may seem surprising and even illogical that political organisations created precisely to defend the interests…

A Minister of Education who focuses on school coexistence

Immediately afterwards the 2010 earthquake, at Fundación Semilla we took on the task of supporting schools in the devastated area of the O’Higgins Region, through Post Traumatic Stress Containment programmes. Soon after, we realised that the stress was caused by…

Trota, the wise woman of medicine

Imagine you are living in southern Italy around the year 1115 AD, walking in a beautiful garden with an interesting woman who is talking and cutting plants as you go along. The Mediterranean sun pours over your head filling you…

We will be forced to become globally conscious if we do not want to become extinct as a species.

The Global Call to Action Against Poverty organised an international discussion on the state of the world’s access to health technologies to address the pandemic. The following is a statement by Marianella Kloka (member of pressenza’s greek editorial team). Hello…

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