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Good sign: truce in Yemen war holds

The truce agreed in the Yemeni armed conflict between the Saudi-led coalition and the ruling Houthi forces is now entering its third week. The UN-mediated cessation of hostilities, initially expected to last at least two months with the possibility of…

Why Are Humans Fighting Other Humans when We Are Facing Extinction as a Species?

For critical thinkers, the cascading consequences of the Ukraine war are redundant proofs of what they already knew before the war: there are no solutions to humanity´s principal problems inside the framework of the basic legal and ethical structures of…

System change and mental form

Don’t let a day go by without answering who you are. Don’t let a day go by without answering where you are going[1]. As humanity, we are living through a series of global crises, between the covid pandemic, the erosion…

Sri Lanka: UN urges government to guarantee human rights

The massive peaceful demonstrations that have taken place in Sri Lanka, calling for the resignation of the president due to the serious economic situation, the lack of basic foodstuffs and medicines, among others, have been met by the government with…

Phytotherapy: Techniques, practices, ways and uses

Plants heal us and take care of us since our human history on this planet began, they are always at our service. When I pick one of them to make an infusion or tincture, I approach it carefully, with respect…

Poem Writing Itself

POEM     by Erlie Lopez There’s a poem keeping me awake begging to be written while the rain sluices on my windowpanes and wafts the scent of nocturnal flowers.   But my brain won’t budge drained of thought from…

Privilege vs equality before the law

This week we learned of the verdict that sentenced Nicolás Zepeda to 28 years in prison and the payment of a $150 million compensation for the crime of Narumi Kurosake that occurred in 2016 even though the victim’s body has…

“The State cannot continue to treat its universities as if they did not belong to the State”, President Boric

In his first official appearance as Patron of the campus, the president also announced that the government is working to incorporate the U. de Chile Clinical Hospital into the public health network. “The first meeting of the commission to address…

Article 1 of the new Chilean Constitution

(Graphic) State COM 2 > CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES, DEMOCRACY, NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP ARTICLE 1 – Chile is a social and democratic State governed by the rule of law. It is plurinational, intercultural and ecological. It is constituted as a Republic based…

In an impressive display of active nonviolence, Sri Lankan people demand presidential resignation

“Probably the most decent, peaceful demonstration I have ever seen. No garbage drops. Cleanly kept. Well behaved. No drunks, lunatics, thieves or even smokers. Plenty of free food and drinks given by kind people. Even the camps are orderly erected.…

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