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Chile: The extreme violence of the socio-political and economic system implanted by the elite

“At 10:45 a.m. on 6 October 1988, while outside a sea of people were parading around celebrating (one day afterwards the defeat of the dictatorship at the polls), we were told at that meeting that they had to be demobilised.…

Tribute to Mothers

PERSONAL NARRATIVE/ESSAY       Filial Piety is a divine gift. Every day is a moment to honor, be grateful for our mothers, and celebrate the beauty of motherhood. But the second Sunday of May is commemorated by more than…

Chile afflicted by crime

The new government announces an increase in the number of police in some communes and a plan to combat rising crime. It has been a promise of governments from left and right and the data is bad. From our parliamentary…

WSF 2022: The house of the wind

The initiative to create an educational centre of Zapotec knowledge under the impetus of the Zapotec painter-philosopher, Maestro Nicéforo Urbieta Morales By Denis Linckens, member of the International Collective of Young Francophones at WSF 2022 The Zapotec civilisation, known as…

Dialogues with Enric Benito -Interview 01- “The process of dying is beautifully organised”.

From Rehuno Salud and in a joint work with the organisation Al final de la Vida we talked with Dr. Enric Benito about the humanisation of the end-of-life process. On the taboos that exist, what is the good death, palliative…

To the One

POEM       Be it mother or father son or daughter brother sister your beloved life companion… This is To the One.   We are stronger than we think. We are deeper than we feel. We are wider than…

Love for Bugs: The Fascinating Story of Insects

ENDANGERED SPECIES/ESSAY “Insects did just about everything first. They were the first to form social societies, farm, and sing — just about anything you can imagine.” ~Karl Kjer “A world without bugs is a world we don’t want to live in.” ~Oliver…

The clarity of indefinition

Several militants of the contemporary Russian left have had a remarkable trajectory. From anti-Stalinism they moved to anti-Leninism, which made them anti-Soviet and now, in their fair or unfair criticism of Putin’s government, they have become defenders of NATO and…

WSF 2022: Women and the informal economy. Challenges of precariousness

Some topics require time for reflection in order to absorb the information received, to understand it and to put it in dialogue with our knowledge. This was the case for this panel composed of six speakers from different countries (Guatemala,…

Press freedom in Bhutan: Journalists should have full and uncensored access to information 

Coinciding with World Press Freedom Day, Prime Minister Dr Lotay Tshering stated that “no journalist in Bhutan has been victim of violent attacks. Neither has anyone faced life-threatening situations in the line of duty. However, practicing journalism in the country…

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