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Lord Howe Stick Insects: Wrongly Deemed Extinct; With Genome 25% Larger Than a Human’s

ENDANGERED SPECIES ESSAY I’m still here. Don’t let me go. ~Robert Krulwich Once deemed extinct in Lord Howe Island (LHI), where they are endemic, today only 35 Lord Howe Island Stick insects (Dryococelus australis), are alive in the wild, but not…

CONDEPP: “We celebrate that President Gabriel Boric honours his word”.

This is how the artisanal fishermen of CONDEPP (Consejo Nacional por la Defensa del Patrimonio Pesquero A.G.) reacted after what the President of the Republic said in his public account on Wednesday, indicating that “in terms of fishing and aquaculture…

Carcarañá Park of Study and Reflection celebrated its 13th anniversary

A sunny autumn day where the cold was displaced by Human Warmth Referents of various organisations of the International Humanist Movement, Communities of Silo’s Message, neighbours and friends of the Park, celebrated together this anniversary. A variety of activities and…

I approve, what about you?

This is your Constitution. The first in Chile’s history was drafted by democratically elected representative You demanded it and fought for it in the streets and in the territories. You elected the constituents. It has been written on a parity…

Freedom expands hand in hand with education

At the beginning of our era, access to knowledge was restricted to small power groups composed of men. Women and the general population did not have access to education. It was not until the 19th century that states began to…

Statement by Chilean community media

On the closure of the investigation into the carabineros linked to the Meiggs shopkeepers’ delinquency This Monday May 30, 2022, with great surprise and profound disappointment we learned through the press, in an interview with the head of the Metropolitan…

Boric’s First Public Account: a historic opportunity

Today, President Boric made his first public account before the Chilean Congress, rescuing the process of accumulation of historic actions and announcing economic and security measures, as well as tax and pension reforms. It was a speech based on 5…

An unforgivable slip of the tongue

On Thursday 2 June (according to the timetable that has been set), the plenary of the CC will vote on the fate of the new constitution. Paradoxically, in that act, part of the work done by the CC during the…

Persecution of the press in Chile: The crime of informing

Banners, candles and a palpable and heartbreaking commotion began to be seen on the afternoon of 13 May in the Plaza de la Dignidad – formerly Plaza Baquedano but popularly renamed after the social outbreak of 2019, and which is…

In love with the Constitution

It is quite understandable that those who dedicated long and intense months to the work of defining a new Constitution want this text to stand the test of time and not suffer too rapid modifications. Despite the fact that the…

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