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Sex, Motherhood, and Extinction: The Unique and Extinct Saint Helena Giant Earwig

ENDANGERED/EXTINCT SPECIES/ ESSAY Let’s talk about sex It’s a shame that one can’t observe the courtship ritual of Saint Helena Island’s (SHI) earwig. Because within this bug group, courtship is a surprisingly elaborate affair. First, the male taps and strokes…

Noam Chomsky: Assange’s extradition is a major crime

Thanks to the support of Gerardo Femina of Europe for Peace, we were able to ask some questions to Noam Chomsky, who has already written so much about the Assange case, following it closely and fighting for the freedom of…

India Readies to Welcome a Tribal President

If one believes in the simple mathematical calculation and minimum political honesty of public representatives in the Indian Parliament and State legislative assemblies, the largest democracy on Earth is expecting a lady tribal President in New Delhi next month. As…

CAFOD: Climate activism, the fix the food system campaign, and the slightly different, but often forgotten face of the Catholic Church  

The Christian Churches have undoubtedly been in a crisis for quite a while. Headlines on sexual assaults, corruption, and/or abuse of power seem to not want to end, especially in Germany. The same applies simultaneously and particularly in the 21st…

Is climate crisis a form of structural violence?

When examining the climate crisis-violence nexus, many researchers, journalists, policy analysts, and environmentalists tend to focus exclusively on the potential link between global warming and increasing conflict: Will the world become more violent? Will climate disruption trigger uprisings and exacerbate…

They Are People Not Numbers – understanding the global refugee crisis

The 20th of June 2022, marked World Refugee Day which was first established by the United Nations in 2001, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. On the occasion of World…

Glimpse of the Chin State and Beyond: One Year after the Military Coup in Myanmar

PART 3: A PERSONAL JOURNEY FROM YANGON TO MATUPI, CHIN    by PEN   The author traveled to Matupi, Chin state (native land) from Yangon on January 1, 2022. It was not safe to travel across the country since the…

Quito: the scene of a disagreement

For the tenth consecutive day, Quito continues to be the scene of the disagreement between President Lasso and indigenous organisations; protests have been concentrated in the central-northern sector of the capital, where several universities and the Assembly building are located.…

2022 Refugee Manifesto Festival, “United By Hope” held in Seoul, South Korea

On the occasion of World Refugee Day 2022, Active Refugee Korea hosted a Refugee Manifesto Festival, “United By Hope” where refugees from various nationalities gathered to claim their rights, opportunities and hope in collaboration with the Korea Refugee Rights Network…

Love Heals Violence: a journey into marrying diversity

From afar, Luna and Yassin look just like any other young couple. Love is what surrounds them and binds them to one another. Luna is 24, with blonde curly hair, hazelnut eyes and lots of freckles all over her face.…

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