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Global Carnival: a new worldwide mobilization for Assange

The details of the new worldwide initiative for Julian Assange’s freedom are being defined: in support of the demonstration in London organised by Dont Extradite Assange for 11 February, all the groups, committees, political and social formations calling for the…

Peru – No way out of the crisis

On Saturday, February 4, thousands of demonstrators gathered in the centre of Lima for the so-called March of the Cones, which brought together demonstrators from the south of the country and demonstrators from the suburbs of the city of Lima.…

Democracy held hostage

It should come as no surprise that several world gauges of public opinion agree that millions of citizens are disappointed with democracy and its ability to truly serve the interests of their nations. Politicians and parties called upon to run…

The Highland Clearances and the Scottish Gaelic Renaissance

As the forces of uniformity, conformity and homogeneity spread inexorably towards a society in which everyone tends to look the same, eat the same thing, listen to the same music and receive the same sources of news and information, pushback…

Political earthquake in Kiev, Ukrainian leftist (banned) explains what’s happening

The wave of resignations and dismissals of senior Ukrainian officials is just the latest jolt in a broader political earthquake that is rocking Kiev. It began with the resignation of Oleksij Arestovych, one of President Volodymir Zelensky’s most prominent advisers,…

Migrants trapped in the forests of northern Serbia: a look at reality

The “Balkan Route” opened in 2015 when thousands of refugees travelled through the Western Balkan states from Greece to reach the EU. In an unprecedented flight they crossed Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and Croatia until the borders were closed in spring…

Face 2 Face with Randy Credico

In this show, we speak with Randy Credico, host of Live on the Fly: Assange  Countdown to Freedom on WBAI radio in NYC, about Julian Assange’s present situation and the future of the campaign for freedom.

In Support of Pope Francis’s Initiative for Peace Negotiations: David Andersson

Please, watch and share this short testimony: February 4: LIVE CONFERENCE — In Support of Pope Francis’s Initiative for Peace Negotiations When: Feb 4, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: The Age of Reason or the Annihilation…

Interview with Rafael de la Rubia, Founder of World without Wars and without Violence and main promoter of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Rafael de la Rubia welcomes us into his home and we settle into a room full of books. On the table is a huge illustrated book about the World March for Peace and Nonviolence that was organised in 2010 and…

How to counter the toxic narrative on migrants, fossil fuels and war? Interview with Fabio Marcelli

Giorgia Meloni [Prime Minister of Italy] has just concluded a deal described as “historic” with Libya on gas and migrants. The agreement signed between Eni [an Italian multinational energy company] and Libyan energy company Noc involves an $8 billion investment…

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