

In the darkness of the night

A few events in the news are impacting our understanding of the current situation and have motivated me to write this piece. Putin annexes Ukraine’s Donbas region, while Ukraine reconquers other invaded cities and threatens to recapture Crimea. Putin declares…

Nuclear Extortion? Abolish Nuclear Weapons

In a moment of candor, President Biden told Democratic Party contributors the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” is the highest since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Soviet Union installed nuclear missiles in Cuba, 90 miles from Florida. Referring to…

The Global Inflationary Tsunami Is Made in the U.S., Not Ukraine

An inflationary tsunami is passing through the world economy, creating economic disorder—in some cases acute political crisis—in every country it touches. This is gathering momentum as the U.S., which is leading other Global North economies, attempts to control inflation by…

China, a threat for some and hope for others

We are already accustomed to the hypocrisy of Western powers, their opinion-makers and hegemonic media when it comes to classifying countries and governments as good or bad, angels or demons, depending on whether or not they are allies in their…

The day of the marginalised…

One day a year is dedicated to children as a symbolic gesture and political opportunity. In most countries, Children’s Day is celebrated on a different date. The one marked as official corresponds to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, issued…

The strategy of fear

Fear of the unknown is the pillar on which fanaticism is built. The enormous advances in technology have brought us good things and not so good things. The difficulty of having access to the details of the workings and intricacies…

Mirada Violeta – The human right to education

The Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) is a plural network of civil society organisations, with a presence in 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, which promotes social mobilisation and political advocacy to defend the…

No Street, no Planalto

In Brazil, those who won in the first round of the elections are the ones who are most preoccupied with the uncertainty of the second round in three weeks’ time, which will determine whether former president Luiz Inacio Lula da…

Who will be the next President of Brazil (issues to think about in times of elections)

It does not matter who assumes the Presidency on 1 January 2023. Once again, the Brazilian bourgeoisie will have won the elections. I am not referring only to the results it achieved in terms of the composition of the National…

Chile: Let’s revalue education

Figures released by the Chilean Ministry of Education on school dropout rates for the year 2021 indicate that nearly 40,000 school-age children and young people abandoned their studies in the last year, 53% of whom are male and 46%, female.…

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