

A Deeper Understanding of the Ukraine War Could Prevent Further Bloodshed

In February 2022, began the longest military conflict in Europe’s post-World War history. But what were its main causes? Although the war in the Ukraine has inflamed emotions across the Western world like never before, the answer requires a realistic…

Dr Vandana Shiva: What’s missing from the climate change debate

“The destabilisation of the Earth’s climate systems is the consequence of violating the Earth’s ecological processes and cycles, violating the Rights of the Earth, the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Rights of Future Generations. Fossil fuels have driven the…

Moscow’s Leverage in the Balkans

Since September, Kosovo’s fragile stability that has endured since 1999, following intervention by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), has grown progressively precarious. Clashes between ethnic Serbians and Kosovo security forces saw Serbia’s military placed on high alert in November. Several high-profile Serbian officials, including President Aleksandar Vučić,…


In the summer of 1927, where there is the bluest sea in the world, Simone Veil was born. Her love for her family and for justice, and that air of freedom she breathed as a child in the Mediterranean [region]…

Head in the sand

Biased and manipulated information is a violation of human rights. When a person chooses not to know about the things that are happening around them, it is as if they do not exist. And societies sometimes act like people, which…

Ten surprisingly good things that happened in 2022

With wars raging in Ukraine, Yemen, Somalia and elsewhere, Roe v. Wade overturned and our resources being wasted on militarism instead of addressing the climate crisis, it can be hard to remember the hard-won progress being made. As we end…

A constitutional itinerary now tied up in knots

After a hundred days of a shameful parliamentary spectacle, the political class has agreed on a new institutional route in search of a Constitution. This comes after the complete failure of the first attempt in which the citizenry overwhelmingly rejected…

What the Pentagon Doesn’t Want You to Know About China

To encourage Congress to authorize the largest defense budget ever, the Pentagon just released its annual report on China, which dangerously misrepresents the country’s defense strategy. Such deliberate lies about China to drum up justification for more US war spending need…

US government must drop charges against Julian Assange

President Joe Biden is pressing ahead with a controversial criminal case against Julian Assange, the founder of the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks. Assange has been languishing in Britain’s maximum-security Belmarsh prison for nearly four years while he appeals his extradition to…

The Meat Industry Has Created a False Dichotomy That Pits People Against Animals

Factory farms are harmful to animals, the environment, local communities, and public health. We need a more logical and just food system. By Vicky Bond It’s a common narrative that factory farming—despite animal cruelty, environmental destruction, and human health impacts—has net positives that…

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