

Winston Churchill Was a Monster

Tariq Ali’s book, Winston Churchill: His Times, His Crimes, is an excellent counter to the bizarrely inaccurate propaganda about Winston Churchill that is the norm. But to enjoy this book, you have to also be looking for a general roving…

Abortion is a right, not a failure, not a tragedy

Let us not respond to the neocon attack on abortion with moral or moralising arguments. It is a right, and there is no need to justify it. Just expand it and defend it. By Vanesa Jiménez/ctxt Abortion is a woman’s…

Cities are not targets

Author’s presentation on the occasion of the IPPNW European Forum meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 21 January 2023 I am honored to speak on such a special occasion, to such a special crowd, and humbled to do so in such a special…

Davos, the great enemy of freedom

Annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos Published with permission of the author. Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is looking more and more like the red carpet at Cannes, but…

How Dare I Oppose War Together With Libertarians?

I’m getting a lot more criticism for planning to speak at an antiwar rally at which libertarians will speak than I do for sitting around doing nothing. In fact, I get exactly no criticism ever from anyone for sitting around…

What Can the United States Bring to the Peace Table for Ukraine?

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has just issued its 2023 Doomsday Clock statement, calling this “a time of unprecedented danger.” It has advanced the hands of the clock to 90 seconds to midnight, meaning that the world is closer…

The Winter Coup Season in Latin America: Coverage by the Democratic Party-aligned Liberal US Press

Coup attempts have gone viral this winter season in Latin America. The contagion spread first to Argentina, then Peru, and finally Brazil on January 8. In addition, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua continue to suffer from long-term US regime-change efforts. Coverage…

Adivasis Drowning In Abject Poverty

A rosy picture of national ethnic people dancing and singing adorned in traditional ethnic dress in most national events, cultural programmes on state-run television, Pahari (hill people) ethnic food festivals and recruitment in government jobs is not the true story…

Social inequality and left-wing governments

A constant that continues over the years: extreme wealth and extreme poverty continue to increase in the world. Today, the wealthiest one percent of the world’s richest people account for two thirds of the world’s wealth, which is why economic…

Lament Of A Lifelong Liberal Democrat

1976 When I was in the third grade my class was given an assignment. We were each asked to write a letter of support to the presidential candidate of our choice. The two main candidates that were running for president…

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