

The locus of governance is inexorably shifting towards urban epicenters.

Traditional, formal democracy — long associated with the nation-state — is waning, becoming mired in ideological wars and increasingly disconnected from the daily concerns of people’s lives. Direct democracy, however, is poised to flourish at the municipal level, where citizens…

US Is Losing In Ukraine. Blame China, Says Blinken.

Biden Admin Piggybacks Sinophobia onto Rampant Russophobia. By John V. Walsh At the close of his recent trip to China, on April 26 while still in Beijing, Sec. of State, Anthony Blinken, made an extremely bellicose statement to the press. …

Antisemitism and Antizionism: A Dangerous Conflation

Anti-Semitism is making the headlines. The Israeli Prime Minister describes as anti-Semitic the accusation that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, and even American students who are calling for a ceasefire. What Israel is doing does in fact provoke anti-Semitic…

Surprising Rising Seas “Must Reads”

Sea levels are surging along the US coastline, exceeding 30-year expectations. Scientists are confused, concerned, searching for answers. In that regard, an excellent new series by The Washington Post d/d April 29th, 2024 “Must Reads” is an eye-opening view into…

USA: Between war and the courage to negotiate

President Joe Biden’s recent decision to approve a $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan is very bad for the world because it assures us that conflicts and military escalation will continue, with undoubted consequences for everyone.…

Environmental journalism saves lives

Journalists are challenged to provide relevant information for necessary social change. Environmental reporting is essential. By María García de la Fuente* Renewable Energies, 4 May 2024 – We are living through a triple planetary crisis: the climate crisis, the loss…

NATO’s entry into the Ukrainian war?

The war in Ukraine would have meant a return to the Cold War between Russia and the USA and a return to the Doctrine of Containment, the foundations of which were laid out by George F. Kennan in his essay…

Veterans Support Students Protesting Genocide in Palestine

“The students are absolutely right, and may be saving our humanity.” Veterans For Peace applauds the students who are protesting against the US/Israeli genocide in Palestine.  These courageous young students are doing the right thing at the right time. “The…

Argentina does not sell out, it defends itself

We are experiencing institutional immunodeficiency in the face of a national government that acts as a serial violator of the national constitution. There is an urgent need to respond. By Miguel Julio Rodríguez Villafañe Malvinas, Antarctic, and South Atlantic Islands…

US vs. China: Who Really Stands for Peace?

Thousands of innocent civilians are dying– men, women, children– being bombed to death as they sit in their homes. Thousands of Ukrainian and Russian men have been unwillingly drafted into the military, torn from their families, forced to kill each…

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