

The Agony of Liberal Zionism

Among my Israeli friends there used to be many liberal Zionists. They sought social justice, supported peace initiatives with the Palestinians, and otherwise believed in Israel’s progressive roots. Indeed, in its pioneer years, Zionism, while engaged in colonization of Palestine,…

Ecuador 2023 Elections: what did the Ecuadorian people tell us?

Seven days after the regional elections and the elections of the Council of Citizen Participation and Social Control (the “fifth power”) and a popular consultation of eight questions, with which the neoliberal government of Guillermo Lasso tried to regain lost…

Pure balloon (ufologists refrain)

After the overblown reactions of the highest US authorities to the overflight of a Chinese hot air balloon, which Beijing claims was a weather observation balloon and which Washington claims was spying, the government headed by Joe Biden has been…

“Then the borders would be open for humanitarian aid”

The suffering that has befallen them is unbearable. Yet, in the rubble, next to the corpses that are still buried under the ruins, with nothing to eat or drink, the victims of the earthquake in Syria will have to endure…

Escazú Agreement – the Legislative Assembly’s shelving of a landmark regional treaty adopted in Costa Rica in 2018 under its leadership

On 1st February last, the Costa Rican Legislative Assembly decided not to keep the file on the Escazu Agreement, which had been submitted to it in February 2019 (see, among many news cables, this cable from the EFE news agency…

Myanmar, Bangladesh needs to pursue ‘Rohingya diplomacy’

Along with the much-needed support from the international organization, the Bangladesh government has been managing the large Rohingya influx but has yet to repatriate them to Myanmar, due to the reluctance and non-cooperation of Myanmar counterpart. In this matter, the…

US Should Stop Scapegoating Migrants

Biden’s Misguided Praise for Abusive Policies Disregards Lives Lost By Ari Sawyer US President Joe Biden and members of the House of Representatives repeatedly scapegoated migrants during both this week’s presidential State of the Union address and during a hearing on the US-Mexico border held by…

Is Freedom Of Expression Worsening In Bangladesh?

Freedom of expression in Bangladesh has been a constant feature of our nation’s recent political history. In the recent past, the global media and organizations at the national front, as well as in the international arena are agog on the…

Goebbels is present in the social networks

Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi hierarch in charge of the regime’s propaganda, systematised and made public his technique, which he used to achieve one of his political objectives: to establish Aryan supremacy by carrying out an ethnic cleansing that exterminated more…

U.S. Peace Council: It Is Time to Put an End to All Anti-Human Economic Sanctions!

Once again, the U.S. imperialism is showing its true face through its selective response to the disastrous earthquake that has taken the lives of tens of thousands of people and destroyed whole cities in Syria and Turkey. While countries like…

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