

Active nonviolence is the only way out of the folly of war.

Very often, the word nonviolence conjures up the image of good people who do not harm others and who, in general, prefer to avoid conflict. Nonviolence is associated with a form of passivity, with not being violent, or even with…

John Pilger: The Betrayers of Julian Assange

This is an abridged version of an address by John Pilger in Sydney on 10 March to mark the launch in Australia of Davide Dormino’s sculpture of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, ‘figures of courage’. I have known…

Call for an Emergency International Conference to Reorganize the Bankrupt Financial System

By Helga Zepp-LaRouche (EIRNS) The tremors in the financial system felt around the world triggered by the run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in the United States, its subsequent closure and being put in receivership, are the clarion call for…

The Majority of the World Finally Says “Go F___ Yourself” To The US

Inception In 1968 the United States began to get a glimpse of the limitations on its apparent omnipotence. Lyndon Johnson’s attempt to simultaneously create a “New Society” without poverty, to put a man on the moon and to conduct a…

The U.S. must stop threatening China!

America’s aggressive military-industrial complex It appears that the military-industrial complex has complete control of the government of the United States, which recently voted to give the Pentagon roughly a trillion dollars of the tax-payers money. This was done by cutting…

How the China-brokered Saudi-Iran deal will change the Middle East

Beijing has utilized a long-awaited opening to undermine the established American-dominated ‘order’ in the region By Timur Fomenko Last week, Saudi Arabia and Iran announced a landmark deal, brokered by China in Beijing, to formally restore diplomatic relations. The agreement…

NATO’s growing military presence in Latin America and the Caribbean (III and final)

By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein Guatemala Although in 2021 the US Congress issued a decree prohibiting the delivery of funds to the armies of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras until there were improvements in the fight against corruption, the Department of…

Women, Life, Freedom: The Power and Promise of International Women’s Day

March 8th, International Women’s Day, arrived not a day too soon, as women, half the world’s human population, still endure varying degrees of oppression, violence, inequality and discrimination. This day’s living history is steeped in struggle and celebration; a day…

A fifth column for Ukraine and Europe or the meaning of Zelensky’s theatre of the absurd

By Viktor Medvedchuk* President Zelensky’s triumph in the West, the multi-billion dollar support of Ukraine with finances and arms, seemingly shows the unbreakable alliance between the US and Europe. The Ukrainian president and his “struggle” are symbols of this process…

Face 2 Face with Tony Robinson

On this show, we speak with Tony Robinson about the situation in Europe and his latest article published on Pressenza titled “We must stop the march towards World War III, now!” requesting “The foundations of a new peace movement“. Tony…

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