

The reason for the existence

Since the dawn of reason and the awareness of being, man has looked up at the starry sky, searching for answers to his place in the universe and the meaning of his existence. Astronomy has revealed the vastness of the…

The ICC Takes on Israel and the US Congressional Mafia

Senator Lindsay Graham was bursting with contempt for the International Criminal Court (ICC) when he grilled Secretary of State Blinken at a May 21 Congressional hearing. Wagging his finger, he warned that, if the ICC gets away with issuing arrest…

Are we anti-Semitic?

I don’t know why everyone insists on using the word anti-Semitism to refer to criticism of the Israeli government when the Palestinians are also Semites. However, this term has become so common, and even the Royal Spanish Academy has adopted…

The Unseen Link: Climate Change and the Rise of Social and Economic Violence

In recent decades, the discourse surrounding climate change has primarily focused on its environmental impact: rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss. However, a less visible yet equally significant consequence of climate change – is its role in…

Memorial Day is a day for remembering the victims of war.

Members of Veterans For Peace remember America’s war dead not just once a year, but every day of our lives, with the solemnity they deserve, not the crass commercialism Memorial Day has become. We remember the war dead and the…

NATO Spreads Nuclear Weapons, Energy, and Risk

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty declares that NATO members will assist another member if attacked by “taking action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.” But the UN Charter does not say anywhere that warmaking…

War Culture Hates the Ethical Passion of the Young

In the Thrall of a Dominant Death Culture Persisting in his support for an unpopular war, the Democrat in the White House has helped spark a rebellion close to home. Young people — least inclined to deference, most inclined to…

Permafrost Showdown

“Deep below the glistening surface of a frozen Arctic lake, something is bubbling—something that could cause global warming to accelerate beyond all previous projections… Now the freezer door is opening, releasing the carbon into Arctic lake bottoms. Microbes digest it,…

Mexico and the certain triumph of the left

In journalism, it is always risky to make predictions, especially about election results. On 2 June, Mexico will go to the polls for a presidential election, as well as for a large number of state legislatures, governors, and other authorities…

The CIA and the strategy of tension in Europe

The attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is suspiciously reminiscent of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald and the former Gladio network operating on European soil, new attacks on European territory with the unequivocal aim of sowing chaos through…

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