

(Chile) The populist show

The world seems to be immersed in a right-wing populist wave. We have examples to throw out of the window. In Chile, my namesake Rodolfo Carter, mayor of the populous commune of La Florida in the capital Santiago, seems to…

Why Ukraine Is Increasingly a Nuclear Headache for World Powers

Concern over Russia’s potential use of nuclear weapons has been a constant feature of the Ukraine war. But Moscow has several ways to complicate Washington’s global nuclear outlook. By John P. Ruehl On March 20, 2023, the British government confirmed it would…

China is winning the diplomatic struggle against the US

Despite Washington’s campaign to isolate Beijing, it has shown itself capable of steering global politics towards its goals By Timur Fomenko The past few weeks have seen a comprehensive show of diplomatic force by China. Shortly after Xi Jinping completed…

The Basic Issue is not of Taking Sides in Superpower Rivalry, it is of Durable Peace to Save Earth’s Life

After the cold war shadow of several decades, the best hopes of ending superpower rivalry appeared around the early 1990s. The assurances given to Gorbachev by top western leaders appeared (deceptively, as it later turned out) to lead in this…

What’s the Best Way Out from the War in Ukraine?

In view of the recent geopolitical upheavals, and particularly the war in Ukraine, it does not make sense (and does not promise much success) to build a new global security architecture based on the logic of a bipolar confrontation for…

Argentina – Memory, coups… and intellectuals

It was 47 years since the bloodthirsty coup d’état in Argentina, which left more than 30,000 people missing and which few intellectuals confronted. Let’s make things clear, said Osvaldo Bayer: Neither Hitler was an occupational accident, nor the dictatorships of…

Loving, taken seriously

I am sick of hearing it. No matter whom I’m dealing with, they all think love is “very important.” It looks very much like the common denominator of the alternative scene, but also of the conservative, possibly even the reactionary…

Creating Dignified Livelihoods

My basic idea is taken from the last speech of Martin Luther King Jr.  It was given in Memphis, Tennessee, less than 24 hours before his assassination.  He was in Memphis to support a strike of the sanitation workers of…

Why is the recovery of tropical ecosystems vital in the fight against Climate Change?

Tropical ecosystems: The tropical zone of our planet is located between 15°-25° degrees north and south of the equator. Because of its warm temperatures and rainfall, it offers the best conditions for the development of various tropical ecosystems rich in…

The dream of a happy school

The International Day of Happiness was celebrated on 20 March. It was established by the UN (United Nations) following a proposal by the Kingdom of Bhutan, which has made the happiness of its population one of its political objectives. The…

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