

It’s High Time the US Signed a Peace Treaty with North Korea

Halt the Endless and Futile Condemnation of the DPRK By Alice Slater It is far beyond hypocrisy for the US and its allies to condemn North Korea for testing a long-range missile when the US boasts about its Air Force…

No Justins, no Peace: Tennessee lawmakers ousted for protests return to their seats after strong popular support

Tennessee calls itself “The Volunteer State,” but don’t volunteer your opinion there. Free speech is by no means guaranteed in Tennessee. This month, the largely white Tennessee House of Representatives, with its heavily gerrymandered Republican supermajority, expelled two members, Representatives…

Contempt for the Earth and its inhabitants

On April 22 [2023], the UN celebrated Earth Day 2023. All indicators show the extent of contempt that the world’s most powerful rulers, especially the “Western” ones, have for the Earth and its inhabitants (human and non-human). Take, first of…

On Ukrainian Nazism, or Why a New Nuremberg is Necessary – Part 1

The famous Ukrainian political, leader of the party «Platform of Opposition: for Life» in a long article makes a comparative analysis between Zelensky´s government today in Ukraine and Hitler´s regime. Here we offer a shortened 3 parts series. By Viktor…

Analysing individualism as a capricious way of life

“It is no coincidence, by no means, that virtual hyper-communication, the obsession with personal and individual success and the pursuit of pseudo-achievements reign in our times to the detriment of abysmally more important aspects of our lives…” By Opazo Today…

Whither Multipolarity in a Changing World Order

The Italian political theorist Antonio Gramsci presciently observed: “The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum, a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.” By Roger D. Harris…

Diplomacy for Peace, Dead in US, Blossoms Elsewhere.

NYT writes premature Obit for Diplomacy as it thrives in the Middle East. John V. Walsh “Global Power Struggles Signal An End to An Era of Diplomacy.”  So ran a page one headline for the New York Times April 11…

The Doomsday Clock and me

As the daughter of nuclear abolitionists, I’ve grown up with the Doomsday Clock in a way few others have. Now a new generation is starting to take notice. By Frida Berrigan I’m not a TikTok person. I’m too old. But…

There is no alternative to war: a dogma to be questioned

It is likely painful for everyone to see how far over the years our ways of thinking have drifted not only from each other but also from what we took for granted, perhaps rashly, in a period of intense collective…

Can You Fight for Climate Justice Without Being Antiwar?

Can organizations sincerely say they are leading the climate justice fight without also being unapologetically antiwar? Short answer – no. Here’s why. By Teddy Ogborn We cannot end climate change without ending war. The United States military is the planet’s…

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