

Chomsky & UN Forewarnings Revisited

I recently attended a family affair in Upstate NY and was informed that climate change articles, like this one, are too negative, causing close relatives to shut down and going so far as to ignore articles, too gloomy, too negative,…

Towards nonviolence

Violence = Disease Violence: a global public health problem In 2003, the World Health Organization, in its Scientific and technical publication No. 588, World report on violence and health, addressed the issue of violence as “a global public health problem”1…

In Spite of Geography: A Window to Europe becomes a Gateway to Asia

There has been ample coverage of a marathon press conference held by Vladimir Putin for heads of foreign and Russian press agencies earlier this month. Predictably, most attention was drawn to his answer to a British journalist as to possible…

Is a nuclear struggle between Macron and Putin inevitable?

The outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict revealed the worrying servility of Western countries, which translated into the loss of decision-making power of European institutions and their total subordination to the geopolitical dictates of the United States, leaving France as an…

Women and Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia resist dispossession of resource-rich lands

Women and Indigenous peoples in several regions of Bolivia are resisting land seizures, deforestation, and the extraction of natural resources that affect their livelihoods, while the authorities are conspicuous by their absence to support the defense of their rights. By…

International cooperation, a tool for overcoming inequality

These include the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (UN, 1969), recognized as a customary norm and proclaimed as one of the purposes of the United Nations Charter: By Ambassador Clarems Endara – Prensa Latina contributor To achieve international…

Do the USA and NATO want to subjugate Russia and China?

“There cannot be a just war, because there is no such thing as a just war. War is the temporary loss of judgment” (Juan Bautista Alberdi). Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his book “Between Two Ages: The Role of the United States…

What can the people do to prevent a world war?

Speech by Europe for Peace at the meeting of the World Humanist Forum on 19 May 2024 In order to answer this question, I have to take a detour that seems to take us away from the subject. The daily…

As world calls for Gaza ceasefire, Biden falls short

Israel’s eight-month-old air and ground assault on Gaza has sparked unprecedented international outrage. On 24 May, following an emergency hearing in South Africa’s genocide case against Israel, the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to halt its offensive at Rafah.…

Women lag in slow global employment growth

GENEVA – Unemployment will fall slightly this year. Still, inequality in access to work remains a problem worldwide, affecting women in low-income countries the most, an International Labour Organisation (ILO) report said Wednesday. By IPS correspondent The report “highlights critical…

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