

Why UN Peacekeeping Chief Lacroix is Visiting Bangladesh?

The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, will be visiting Bangladesh on June 25-26 at the invitation of the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a state guest. This will be his first visit to Bangladesh on the…

Looking for the future (I): the inner Guide

These times we live in are very special. Ancient historical events such as the end of ancient Greece or the fall of Rome are nothing compared to the civilisational cataclysm we are living through. It will have to do away…

Josh Wilson chair of the Australian parliament makes a powerful case for Australia to join the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Legacy of Nuclear Tests in Australia must not be forgotten This speech by @Josh4Freo this afternoon in Australian Parliament was a powerful tribute following days of conversation with the incredible nuclear survivors, parliamentarians & @ican_australia Legacy of Nuclear Tests in…

What’s next for Extinction Rebellion after a disappointing success?

The British climate movement’s ‘Big One’ brought out record numbers, but ran into a wall of silence. XR’s new strategy could turn this setback into a new lease on life. By Douglas Rogers It’s been just over a month since…

Valuing diversity or taking refuge in prejudices

Article 1 of the Constitution states that “people are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. Article 4 of the 2022 constitutional proposal stated that “People are born and remain free, interdependent and equal in dignity and rights”. Today,…

Killing of social leaders continues to plague Colombia, despite “total peace” efforts.

Recently, Petro’s government and the National Liberation Army – ELN agreed to a six-months ceasefire.  What seems to be a striking step in negotiations between Colombia’s insurgent group and Petro’s government is becoming a shadow of a profound issue that…

Argentina: Reflections after the Saladillo femicide prosecutor’s remarks

Patricia Hortel, the prosecutor who is working on the prosecution for the murder of Rocío González in the town of Saladillo, Buenos Aires, gave an interview after the arrest of the alleged murderer, in which she focused on the victim.…

The Problem of Peaceful Societies for the Belief in the Necessity of War

For any given war, one can examine the months or years or decades during which one or both sides worked diligently to make it happen, and both sides conspicuously failed to develop peaceful alternatives. Even in the moment of greatest…

LEGO: Proselytising model to build

I will begin by anticipating misinterpretations or gossip. I defend and will defend the basic rights of all of us to freely choose our ideas, our faith, or our sexuality, which cannot be imposed from any moral, ideological, or religious…

Chile: My life has been beautiful…

I was born in a Diaguita territory, in the inlet of Tequirque on the hill of Kokimpu in 1964, I have lived in Coquimbo all my life and I am the creator of some musical instruments with South-Andean influences in…

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