

Signals set in time

First-millennium seal shows a worshipper and a wise man dressed as a fish before a stylised tree with a crescent moon and a winged disc above it. Behind this group is another plant form with a radiant star and the…

Drugs, drugs, and more drug crime. Isn’t it time for the Philippines to have a serious and deeper conversation about drugs?

by Karina Santillan (Manila) and Tony Robinson (London) Illegal drugs are an issue that’s wider than the drug smugglers and cartels who bring them into the country and the corrupt police officers who protect them for a slice of the…

America Faces Its Greatest Peril Since The Civil War

I am still at pains to internalize what sinister schemes Republican leaders in the House and Senate are concocting only to retain power, at whatever cost to the country and its future. The Republicans are terrified of the changing demographics…

India’s Ominous Turn to Totalitarianism

India is at a historic crossroads. A sixth of the world’s population, nowhere else today democracy, social harmony and free speech are in such peril. By Partha Banerjee Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his powerful home minister Amit Shah have…

Planetary Heat is Happening Fast, and Faster

The evidence is starting to build that all bets are off on predictions that humanity has a decade, or more, of clear sailing before global warming turns vicious enough to run roughshod over climate change deniers and the mean-spirited anti-climate-change…

Capitalizing on Youth Disillusionment: the Lucrative Business of German Language Schools in Tunisia

Based on numbers issued by the Ministry of Education, roughly 136,000 students started taking their Baccalaureate exam, the national high-school leaving exam, between June 7 to 14 this year, and successful candidates are then expected to make a choice that…

The Danger of Peace

“When violence causes silence, then we’re doing something wrong,” says a Cranberries lyric. This was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the figures of two studies that came out last Monday, on arms spending (SIPRI)[1]…

Summer Of Suicide 2023

“Yeah, That’s Called World War III!” Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan are quite aware of how devastated and depleted the Ukrainian army is and has been since this past winter. This is why President Biden continues…

The Exercise of the Charism of Infallibility Is Here and Now a Mandatum of Christlike Love: Infallibility and War

No one inside or outside the Catholic Church can reasonably call into question the good intentions of Popes who have denounced war on the world stage and who have proclaimed in encyclicals and pastoral letters the evils and destruction of war, and who…

International investigation into state massacres in the Ionian Sea

Between the Steccato di Cutro massacre and the shipwreck of the fishing boat that sank on June 14 in the Ionian Sea, 45 miles southwest of Pilos, albeit in the diversity of the dynamics of the events, there are common…

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