

The Ocean Red Zone

Oceans of the world are in a dangerous red zone that exceeds safe limits for marine and terrestrial life because of excessive heat. Several statements by climate scientists show heightened concerns about how this plays out, as 2023 could be…

Militarism is the elephant in the climate room

A subjective report of the International Peace Conference for Ukraine in Vienna. There was the elephant on the stage when several hundred committed peace fighters and human rights defenders – of which at least half were women [including] a notable…

Tianxia: A Chinese concept for global governance

In ancient China, the concept of “Tianxia” (天下) played a central role in the conception of governance and international relations. Literally translated as “everything under heaven”, the term Tianxia represents a vision of a unified and harmonious world, where all…

Deteriorating credibility: all that is solid vanishes into thin air

Regaining confidence in politics and politicians is fundamental to strengthen democracy and its institutions. There are public figures who permanently denigrate political activity with their actions, confusing republican spaces with a circus, a stage or a television set. By Antonio…

We used to pray seafaring: “worship professionals” at NATO’s orders

On the website of the U.S. Naval Forces Command in Europe and Africa, I found an article that, already in its title, denoted a view of religion as mere spiritual support for the Atlantic Alliance’s troubling new wargames. Indeed, it…

2023 – It is high time for Homo sapiens to make decisions!

Every now and then, rational and humane representatives of all peoples of the world have had to make changes in their path. It was a matter of ensuring survival. Their concern was to examine what people had achieved so far…

Manipur Needs Healing, Not an Insensitive Approach

Manipur is burning for nearly two months, killing over one hundred people and rendering thousands of families homeless after more than 9000 houses were burnt down by miscreants. The north-eastern Indian State continues to witness stray violent incidents following the…

Human rights violations: solidarity for Kabylia

Since Algerian « independence » in 1962, for which Kabylia nevertheless invested body and soul by consenting to immense sacrifices, believing it would find its happiness like that of the other peoples that make up Algeria, Kabylia has had nothing…

Politics, an adult thing?

Since childhood we have been kept on the sidelines of our destiny. At some point in our lives, we were convinced of the advantages of abstaining from political participation. In fact, our societies, and many around the world, have kept…

Deconstructing the myth of violence. An investigation of the effectiveness of civil resistance

At a time when not only has war returned even to Europe, but bellicism – that is, the ideology of war – has taken on an unprecedented media and political centrality in our country’s [i.e. Italy’s] republican history, the Italian…

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