

Guatemala: Why doesn’t Semilla support plurinationality in a multicultural country?

The Emperor of Rome, in order to keep Roman citizens and slaves distracted and demobilised, applied for a long time the imperial policy of “bread and circuses for the people”. By Ollantay Itzamná Bacchanalian festivals or circuses that lasted up…

The invisibility of the peoples

It is not only in our continent, that the people have never been more ignored. The constant abuses of the great corporate powers, with the open complicity of a neoliberal system disguised as development, have transformed international politics into a…

How Morocco Assaults U.S. Citizens and Just How Much a U.S. Senator Does Not Care

Last year, following an invitation from some folks who lived there, I was in Western Sahara in northwestern Africa. By Tim Pluta, World BEYOND War, Some friends of mine from the U.S. took a trip to visit me and the…

The Most Dangerous Person on Earth

A Living Synthesis Victoria Nuland, who is the current Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs of the United States, is a living synthesis of everything that has gone horribly wrong with US foreign policy over the course of the…

Elizabeth Subercaseaux’s Reflection on the 1973 Coup d’état

In order to minimise their own responsibility for the 1973 coup d’état, the right wing says (in the words of Marcela Cubillos) “as long as the left does not admit its responsibility for the collapse of democracy that preceded the…

By joining BRICS, will Bangladesh serve as a role model for other south Asian nations?

The world is going through an unstable economic situation. Where most countries are suffering from the price of energy to the dollar price traded in the international market. Bangladesh is also in this problem. Added to that is the pre-election…

The Nuclear Energy Trap

Nuclear reactors are directly in the line of fire of global warming. In fact, nuclear reactors cannot survive global warming. But that’s only the start of serious issues with the world’s newly found love affair with nuclear energy. This article…

Climate racism, a reality in unequal societies

“Who have the direct impacts of extractivism and what are the consequences for their lives? Peasant communities, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants – whose family groups include children, women and the elderly – bear an important part of these impacts…”. By…

Kingdom of Spain: A first reflection on the 23 J elections

What seemed like a catastrophe foretold for the left after the municipal and regional elections of 28 May has ended up turning into a bitter defeat for the extreme right-wing PP and Vox on 23 July, preventing them from governing.…

Navigating the Polycrisis Life in Turbulent Times

How can we explain the explosive emergence of global awareness of the polycrisis over the past year, 2022-2023? Three years ago, almost no one had heard of the polycrisis. By Michael Lerner What happened? What Is the Polycrisis? First, let’s…

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