

Gandhi: India and Universalism

India has a high commitment to internationalism. Mahatma Gandhi had desired India to come forward for the establishment of a worldly order dedicated to peace and prosperity. This gigantic task could be considered to be her responsibility. India must come forward for the establishment of a true and real internationalism, and become ideal for others in the world.

The UN Secretary-General message on the International Day of Non-Violence

Mahatma Gandhi, whose legacy this annual observance celebrates, once observed that “non-violence, to be worth anything, has to work in the face of hostile forces.” In today’s world, we face many hostile forces — multiple and persistent crises that demand a response from leaders and grassroots alike.
Inspired by Gandhi’s life, the UN today works to end violence.

“What is most important is raising the awareness of the press in order to stop the transmission of hate and violence”

The Lebanese Ambassador to Argentina, Hicham Hamdan, highlighted the essential role that the press plays in achieving world peace. He also emphasized the importance of expanding nuclear nonproliferation agreements to all countries. Although the Middle East is deemed a “hot zone”, Hamdan believes that his country has made advances in overcoming violence.

Bolivia, the non-violent revolution

In this article, the author analyses some of the factors that establish the “Bolivian Process”, led by President Evo Morales, as a peaceful, non-violent humanist process. A new revolutionary constitution that extends rights to more Bolivian citizens at home and abroad and Morales’ response to conflictive situation corroborate this assessment.

Support for Obama in suspending Missile Defence in Europe

It is a very important gesture of détente and peace by President Obama and we want to highlight it and applaud it around the world. We support all efforts of the US President to advance towards global nuclear disarmament. We invite Obama to support the World March, something that has already been done by almost 20 National Presidents and Governments of the World.

“We have to commit ourselves to working to build a world without violence”

Leading the fight for human rights, Councillor Ítalo Cardoso (PT-SP) declares allegiance to the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. “In my capacity as vice-president of the Human Rights Commission, Chamber of São Paulo, I was among the first to support the March, which I hope, wherever it passes through, finds people from all nations striving for peace and freedom”.

UNASUR has lost its way

Seeing the manner in which South American governments have embarked upon a new unbridled arms race with unforeseeable consequences is regrettable. If, for the present, this hasn’t meant open warfare, tomorrow there will be others governing in the region who may use the purchases made now. Only the people can end this collective madness that has started to appear.

The continuous escalation of war worldwide

A study published by the University of Heidelberg reveals the gap between the media-generated image of war and the nature of the actual conflicts. Although the Second World War ended with great aspirations for world peace, since that time the total number of world conflicts has risen in a moderate, but constantly upward, curve.

Trust or Treachery

In Australia we still fail to trust Aboriginal people to make critical decisions about their future. In Alice Springs we refuse to allow Aboriginal people to manage the promised new housing after two years of the Federal Government’s Intervention. The Intervention is the most ill considered Government policy inflicted on Aboriginal people since the Stolen Generation.

A just and lasting peace is possible between Palestinians and Israelis

Chief Palestinian Negotiator, Saeb Erakat, said today, 25th August, that a just and lasting peace between Palestinians and Israelis was possible. “International law and United Nations resolutions clearly outline how to resolve this conflict. The Road Map and the Arab Peace Initiative provide a clear way forward”, said Erakat.

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