

Reinventing ourselves to save the planet

We can’t keep being the human beings who live to destroy. By Frida Berrigan Too hot. Too dry. Too many weapons. This world needs changing. But that’s too vague. After all, this world is already changing, just not in ways…

Herodotus: What is the best form of government

What is the best form of government? The theme is always topical in Italy. The answer to this question, however, has not yet found unanimous agreement. In the world, in fact, republics, parliamentary or presidential, alternate with monarchies, whether constitutional…

Brazil: Public consultation reinforces rejection of the “New Baccalaureate”. The government backs the changes

In 2017, under the government of former president Michel Temer, Brazil approved a controversial reform of secondary education, considered by experts to be anti-reform because it reproduces an anachronistic, exclusionary and perverse model. In the face of criticism, Lula’s government…

The plundering of Africa

Africa is back in the news and has become an area of high international tension. The memory of the Libyan war and the destruction of that country still lingers in the minds of its neighbours. The coup d’état in Niger…

Modern Cognitive Warfare. How they are trying to control our minds

We will often come back to the roots of the ongoing Ukrainian tragedy, which hold a valuable lesson for everyone. One of its primary ironies is that history is repeating itself. The West has once again used one of its…

The belief in humanity’s future is a personal choice.

The discussion during our recent Humanity for Peace Coalition meeting offered very interesting and thought-out interventions, including the Ten Principles proposal by Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the Schiller Institute which is a great platform to lay out a new direction for our planet. The current crisis is going much deeper than…

The death throes of the Pax Americana: The war of two powers in Ukraine

This is not a war between Russia and Ukraine but a war on Ukrainian territory between two nuclear powers, both of which believe they are defending essential strategic interests. That is the opinion of a prominent veteran Brazilian diplomat, Jorio…

Chile: 50 years of neoliberalism (I)

Remarkably, it has been overlooked in the commemoration of half a century since the unfortunate destruction of our democracy that not only was a 17-year terrorist dictatorship installed, but also that its long-term design has been fully successful to this…

Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh heads for Johannesburg, sees BRICS as big opportunity to balance West

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is prepared to participate at the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa from August 22 to 24. The BRICS 2023 summit is the fifteenth upcoming annual BRICS summit, an international relations conference attended by the…

The dilemmas of the popular movement

Every election is a democratic possibility and hope for real change in Guatemala cannot be lost. However, bad omens abound and are not without well-founded reasons and motives. By Frank Ulloa On Sunday 20, Guatemala must choose its rulers once…

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