

Poverty in Greece or economic miracle

A Greek immigrant writes a respond to the NYTimes New York Times published a news article “Greece, Battered a Decade Ago, Is Booming” by Liz Alderman, with additional reporting from Niki Kitsantonis (Monday, Sept. 25 / in print on Saturday, Sept. 30, Section B,…

Humor in the Headlines Over China in Latin America

“As China arrives with a splash in Honduras, the US wrings its hands” Washington Post, October 2, 2023 In a break from its hysterical coverage of the existential threat posed by Donald Trump, the Washington Post – house organ of…

The collapse of parasitic empires

Humanity has entered a critical era, a new period in world history. It is not just a matter of changing the world order, reformatting the system of international relations and evolving the doctrines and values underlying the global architecture. Today,…

An Israeli-Palestinian-Jordanian Confederation Offers The Best Solution To The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

It is time for Israel and the Palestinians to face the bittersweet truth and accept certain realities on the ground that neither side can change in any significant way short of a calamity. These inescapable realities will frame the contours…

Why the French Fight Their Elite

By Nadia Schwarz Among the countries of Europe, France is the most flammable one. The flames of popular protest against the political and public phenomena of the last few years are virtually unstoppable. It would seem to be in the…

An Ominous Context of the Nazi Debacle in Canada

A few days ago, I raised questions that stem from the standing ovation for Yaroslav Hunka, a Ukrainian veteran of the SS in the Canadian parliament ( . These questions deserve answers. Here are some of them. How is it…

War as an investment and a central theme of the White House dispute

The US political landscape is shaped by next year’s presidential elections. If the US is seen as the only power capable of forcing peace, the internal electoral struggle points to a dynamic of war; the escalation of the open conflict…

Bernie: Are you really in support of another endless war?

“Let us wage a moral and political war against war itself, so that we can cut military spending and use that money for human needs.” – Bernie Sanders April 29, 2012 By Melissa Garriga and Crystal Zevon Dear Senator Sanders,…

#NoWar2023 Debate: Is War in Ukraine Justified?

David Swanson argued that Russia and Ukraine both had options better than war during World BEYOND War’s annual global conference, #NoWar2023: Nonviolent Resistance to Militarism. The most disastrous belief, I think, is the one that holds that both Russia and…

Joseph Gerson’s talk during the International Peace Bureau Ukraine Week

Week of Global Mobilization for Peace in Ukraine (WGMPU) from Saturday 30th September to Sunday –  8th October 2023. The common goal is to call for an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. During the webinar, Joseph Gerson…

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