

Fears for New Electoral Violence in the Solomon Islands

Even though the elections in the Solomon Islands of 2010 were relatively violence free, the scars of the riots of 2006 are still fresh. Now with new elections expected to take place in October or November of this year, there…

Beijing faces a dilemma in Iraq

The new Iraq crisis is much more threatening for China than it is for the United States, says DW columnist Frank Sieren. In recent years, Beijing invested heavily in Iraq and depends on the country’s oil. So far, China could…

Heed the Voices For Peace Amid the Tragedy of Iraq

It didn’t take long this week for the architects of the disastrous U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq to apply their makeup and jump before the cable news television cameras. The militia group known as ISIS, the Islamic State in…

The Great Human Delusion: All Parents Love their Children

Robert J. Burrowes Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, there is a widespread belief that all parents love their children. This is not so. Many parents are so badly emotionally damaged as a result of their own childhood experience that…

‘Haven’t we have already done enough damage?’ Ron Paul warns against Iraq invasion

By Russia Today (RT) Former congressman Ron Paul is refusing to curb his condemnation of the current White House’s foreign policy, blasting United States President Barack Obama further in a new op-ed concerning possible US intervention in Iraq. An editorial…

Economic Growth Is Anything But “A Rising Tide Lifting All Boats”

By Roberto Savio* Not a day goes by without news on the growing inequality that is the telling indicator of the kind of economic model in which we have put ourselves, following the neoliberal binge unleashed by the Washington Consensus.…

Heed the Voices For Peace Amid the Tragedy of Iraq

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan It didn’t take long this week for the architects of the disastrous U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq to apply their makeup and jump before the cable news television cameras. The militia group known…

An ounce of hope is worth a ton of despair

We cannot reach people by terrifying them; there has to be a positive agenda. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 17th June 2014: “Saving the world should be based on promise, not fear” If we had set out to…

From the Theatre of Sport to the Theatre of Battle

It’s that moment in the international sporting calendar when hundreds of millions, if not billions of people around the world remember that they have a nationality, and that they are in a kind of war with people of different nationalities. …

New Campaign for a Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons Gains Momentum

The 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT),  extended indefinitely in 1995 when it was due to expire, provided that five nuclear weapons states which also happened to hold the veto power on the Security Council (P-5)– the US, Russia, UK, France, and…

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