

A leopard (or HSBC, or Monsanto) doesn’t change its spots

Changing the name of an unpopular brand is nothing new. Windscale, a UK nuclear power station, was the scene of a major fire in 1957 spreading radioactivity across the surrounding countryside in what is generally thought to have been the…

Exposing Lies, Telling the Truth

I have just read Andre Vltchek’s new book ‘Exposing Lies of the Empire’. me tell you something about this book of 800 pages. Vltchek writes with passion and poetry, describing the true horror experienced by the world at large, living…

NPT consensus failure a good thing; 108 countries pledge to help ban nuclear weapons

On May 22, the ninth five-year, month-long Review Conference (“RevCon”) of 191 states parties to the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) came to an end, on an upbeat note in our view. In fact we think the…

Humanize Colombia the Next Step After the Peace Process

The Humanists have been active and supportive of the peace process in Colombia and we are asking all the parties involved to keep the discussion open and put all their effort into having a peace resolution signed. For the last five years Colombia has…

Immigration, Myths and the Irresponsibility of Europe

Human Wrongs Watch By Roberto Savio* Rome, 7 June 2015 – With little fanfare, the German IFO Institute for Economic Research recently published a report on population projections for Germany which states simply that the country’s population is shrinking fast. The…

Hong Kong at another crossroad

This year, leaders of student unions at several universities have decided not to attend the vigil commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Crackdown, always held at Hong Kong’s Victoria Park. This is in protest at one of the main organiser’s – the…

How a corporate cult captures and destroys our best graduates

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Universities should defend students against lovebombing by banks and consultancy firms – before it ruins their lives To seek enlightenment, intellectual or spiritual; to do good; to love and be loved; to create and…

Is life just a movie or a reality?

These days the frequency of earthquakes occuring all around the world is giving alarm while the warning horns of racing ambulances trying to get through jammed traffic to reach hospital is a common sight. It is supposed that drivers in…

UK election – A broken system: seats don’t match votes

In May 2015, the UK held a general election and returned a majority government for the Conservative Party despite the fact that it received no where near a majority of support from the electorate. The Electoral Reform Society is an…

Anti-Gypsyism Must Be Eradicated

Mr. Zeljko Jovanovic is director of the Roma Initiatives Office (RIO), which aims to strengthen the voices and leadership of Roma with respect to improving public policies and services in Europe. In the past few months, he has been actively advocating…

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