

Grexit should be sooner rather than later

The context of the European Union As Humanists we aspire to a future in which all the peoples of the world integrate within a Universal Human Nation. In this sense we differentiate this process of integration that we call planetarisation…

Israel’s growing isolation in the world and from Jews generally

Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi: How has Israel invented the Iranian threat and with which means does Israel try to keep it for ever? Prof. Yakov Rabkin: In an earlier article I outlined the history of that invention ( ). Israel…

The battle between neoliberal and democratic values

A delegation of Humanists was recently invited to Greece in order to give two presentations at the TEDx event in Anogeia on the island of Crete, they also participated in meetings with members of the Greek national and local government. …

Getting Russia right

Even today in many different ways the US and Russia remain close. There is cooperation in space, not least the International Space Station. The US regularly hires Russian rockets to launch its crews to the Station and to launch satellites.…

Taiwan’s system cannot be called democratic

Taiwan cannot be taken as an example of a good democracy just because you can choose your leader freely there, apparently, as distinct from the Hong Kong system where the leader cannot be voted in freely. If you like Taiwan’s…

Nobel Peace Laureates Endorse Violence

In a recent letter to US President Barack Obama twelve Nobel Peace laureates declared their support for the long history of US elite violence against Native Americans and enslaved Africans, as well as the US imperial violence around the world…

Norway Hit by Two Crisis, Yet the Citizens Are Protected by a Massive Oil Slick

By Johan Galtung* TRANSCEND Media Service – Norway, on top of the UN indicator of good life for years, is now hit by two different crises; one for the less developed aspect and one for the more developed. Yet the citizens are protected…

The Need for a New Economic System – PART IV: Neocolonialism and Resource Wars

Human Wrongs Watch By John Scales Avery* Hobson’s explanation of colonialism The Industrial Revolution opened up an enormous gap in military strength between the industrialized nations and the rest of the world. Taking advantage of their superior weaponry, Europe, the…

Tomás Hirsch: Leap over Fear

We reproduce here Tomás Hirsch’s chat for TED-X Anogeia, in Crete, Greece, on August 8, 2015: “Hello everyone. I feel profoundly moved on sharing with you this experience in this sacred place. I’m one of the spokespersons for Universalist Humanism,…

‘Stopgap measures to halt the flows of migrants only scratch the surface of the problem’

(ILO)* — The recent loss of lives in the Mediterranean Sea is yet another reminder of the human impact of unresolved conflicts and development failures worldwide. The seeming global paralysis in the face of this on-going human tragedy is deeply…

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