

Unchecked Human Activity Is Pushing Ecosystems Toward the Brink

Desert conditions could spread rapidly from groundwater depletion and plant destruction. By Erika Schelby The planet is facing multiple severe challenges that require our immediate attention. Putting an end to the dirty and suffocating fossil fuel emissions may be the…

Argentina: not to be mistaken for a nightmare, this is reality

Argentina’s cities are rapidly losing their traditional vertigo. A strident, lethargic, lethargic silence survives. The euphoria of winning the World Cup is over, although the media still insist that the Argentinians “are world champions”. The people are aware that nothing…

Year 2023 in review for Latin American and the Caribbean: Contesting a still dominant US hegemon

December 2nd marked the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, which proclaimed US dominion over Latin America and the Caribbean. Left-leaning governments in the hemisphere have had to contest a decadent but still dominant USA. Challenges in the past year…

Myanmar needs holistic reforms to avert crisis

On January 31, 1949, the Karen National Union launched a revolt that marked the start of the war in Myanmar. Following 112 days of combat, the Myanmar Army routed the Karen National Defence Organisation in May 1949 and retook control…

Is ICC still relevant? Not so, says Brazil’s Lula da Silva. And he is not alone

On December 4, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, the President of Brazil (which has taken G20 presidency) said, after meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, that he will invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to the G20 Summit that…

From Kishinev to Gaza

Pogrom. This Russian term denotes a violent riot incited with the aim of massacring Jews and destroying their property. One of the deadliest pogroms (50 Jews were killed and nearly 600 wounded) took place in Kishinev a hundred and twenty…

Latin America and the Caribbean stand with Palestine: Israel viewed as a US proxy

The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, with a few notable exceptions, have been critical of Israel’s ongoing campaign of genocide in Gaza. Perhaps more than any other region, they have expressed their solidarity with Palestine. Most recognize that…

“Financial confidence”: the semantic field of seduction and repression

A communicational and decolonial analysis of Javier Milei’s first speech as president Javier Milei repeated the phrase “the adjustment is inevitable” four times in his first speech as president. He also quoted Roca, Sarmiento and Benegas Lynch (h). He invoked…

Chile: A left-wing government…

When the left takes over the government, thanks to an electoral and democratic process, its rulers hasten to achieve their reforms before the forces of reaction manage to destabilise it and return to power. This has happened several times in…

Argentina was on the brink: did it step forward?

The far-right Javier Milei is the new president of Argentina for the next four years: on taking office he ratified his “chainsaw” plan and said that the adjustment would fall on the state and not on the private sector, but…

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