

Argentina: Milei’s DNU 70, null and void, does not apply

As I have been arguing, when President Javier Milei issued the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70, on 20/12/2023, he seriously violated institutional good faith maliciously, in a true illegal deviation of power and carried out a null and…

Goddess Parvati: reality is not disconnected from her

All religions collect substances from the mundane reality and manifest those in their scriptures and narratives. But considering this process very insignificant, labeling it anthropomorphic will be imprudent. The religions mainly deal with the Anthropon (Greek term; singular Anthropos) or…

Machi Betiana’s return to the rewe

The Mapuche people need to live in their territory to exist. This is how it is for the Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu. However, and despite being an enshrined right, according to National Parks, judges and prosecutors functional to economic power,…

Unity Over Division: Elevating Human Consciousness in 2024

It is the time of year when we have the opportunity to reflect on the previous year and make resolutions for the future. The dehumanization process has reached new levels in 2023. The current destruction of Palestinian society by Israel…

Viability of Green Hydrogen falters: Scientific studies demystify its efficiency

A study reviewed more than 50 scientific publications on the cost-effectiveness and viability of green hydrogen, concluding that it is more costly and inefficient compared to other alternatives. By Alfredo Seguel Green hydrogen falters: Study questions its efficiency compared to…

Chile: A new attack on human rights?

“Mr. Piñera, you have been warned, you will be prosecuted for the serious human rights violations committed under your mandate”. Warning by then MP Gabriel Boric to President Sebastián Piñera in September 2021 1 . A MEMORABLE EVENT The rebellion…

For peace in Palestine, Zionism must be defeated

There is only one real condition for us to talk about peace in Palestine and that is for Israel to be defeated. Naturally, we are not referring to a military defeat, but rather to a diplomatic isolation and a political,…

U.S., Japan’s record defense budgets intensifying geopolitical rivalry

Japan and the U.S. have adopted record-breaking defense budgets for 2024, with Japan accepting a 16-percent rise in military spending, and the U.S. authorizing $886 billion in annual military expenditure, which totals $28 billion higher than it did for the…

Politics, a lucrative investment

It is a well-known fact that the left is always divided, just as the right also tends to express itself in very belligerent alternatives to each other, although finally they unite and converge to participate in elections or overthrow governments.…

The main thing is “the hope of the people”.

On social networks and in the media, an endless amount of bad news appears every day, in which we can see the most heartbreaking war misdeeds. This can lead us to the false idea that the world is lost. However,…

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