

“Preemptive war could risk millions of casualties. But….”

By David Swanson According to the Washington Post, “Preemptive war could risk millions of casualties. But . . . .” Is that a statement that should ever be followed by a “but”? I contend that it isn’t. There isn’t something…

Bitcoin Frenzy: The Fever Chart Of A Deepening Crisis

By Nick Beams According to the official scenario, the world economy is enjoying its best period of growth since the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, which ushered in the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. According to…

When a Nuclear War Planner Confesses

By David Swanson Daniel Ellsberg’s new book is The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. I’ve known the author for years, I’m prouder than ever to say. We have done speaking events and media interviews together. We’ve been…

#MeToo, say Sleeping Beauty and Snow White

The deluge of reports of sexual harassment taking place in just about every aspect of society, following the Harvey Weinstein revelations is an opportunity to produce profound changes. This will not happen unless the deep roots of abusive behaviour are…

Trump: A catalyst for the peace movement?

by Dr. Dieter Duhm. Donald Trump is the commander-in-chief of the biggest military force on Earth. There’s no societal power above him, that’s why he can do whatever he wants. What does he want? Or does he, perhaps, not have…

Violence Against Women: Why the UN Secretary-General Got it Wrong

In his remarks on the recent International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – see ‘Violence Against Women is Fundamentally About Power’ – United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres inadvertantly demonstrated why well-meaning efforts being undertaken globally to reduce…

Chilean elections: On the “Freedom of Choice”

The run-off election to determine who will follow Michelle Bachelet as Chilean president is due to take place on the 17th of December.  In the first round, former president, Sebastian Piñera, candidate for the right wing grouping Chile Vamos, obtained…

How I Became a Peace Activist

When I was teaching myself how to write, when I was about 20 to 25, I churned out (and threw out) all kinds of autobiographies. I wrote glorified diaries. I fictionalized my friends and acquaintances. I still write columns all…

Glyphosate: Democracy 0 – Lobbyists 1

By Erik Edman for DiEM25 As we predicted right after the European Parliament voted not to renew glyphosate’s licence in Europe, the European Member States have now ignored all democratic voices and have decided to renew the licence of the…

One Third of Food Lost, Wasted – Enough to Feed All Hungry People

By Baher Kamal Believe it or not, the way to eradicate hunger from the face of the Earth is as feasible as it is handy. In fact, the current loss and waste of one-third of all food produced for human…

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