

The Decline and Fall of the State Department

By David Swanson Ronan Farrow’s book War on Peace: The End of Diplomacy and the Decline of American Influence recounts episodes from the Obama-Trump militarization of U.S. foreign policy. While the book begins with and has been marketed with the story of…

A Piece of World Peace History In-The-Making

By Jan Oberg Please watch the video below carefully. You’ll see what could – could, and most likely will – become a piece of world peace history. Note the body language of the two leaders – warm smiles and long…

Fox in the Henhouse: Why Interest Rates Are Rising

The Federal Reserve calls itself independent, but it is independent only of government. It marches to the drums of the banks that are its private owners. To prevent another Great Recession or Great Depression, Congress needs to amend the Federal…

NPT 2018: Focus on what really matters

Another round of preparatory meetings ahead of the 2020 NPT Review Conference kicks off in Geneva tomorrow, Monday 23rd April.  The people at Reaching Critical Will are, as always, providing excellent coverage throughout.  We republish their first editorial here for…

Syria and Press Propaganda

By Margareth Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, 18/04/2018 Originally posted here “Trump protects himself with war as Democrats and the rest of the ruling elite support his militarism.” It is difficult for Americans to find out what is happening in their…

Corbyn v Corker: UK wants representation, US royalty

By David Swanson Five years ago, the British Parliament said no to an attack on Syria that its prime minister wanted to join the U.S. president in launching. That action, combined with public pressure, was instrumental in getting the U.S.…

7 Questions About the Syria Airstrikes That Aren’t Being Asked

by Richard Eskow “Mission accomplished,” says the President. What, exactly, was the mission? And what exactly was accomplished? Donald Trump is being mocked for using this phrase in a tweet to praise what he claims was a “perfectly executed” airstrike…

The Legality of the UK’s Air Strikes on the Assad Government in Syria

Opinion of Professor Dapo Akande, Professor of Public International Law & Co-Director, Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law & Armed Conflict, University of Oxford, posted by Tom Watson, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party 16 April 2018 1. I have been…

Facebook Unfriends Democracy

The for-profit social media giant Facebook harvests vast amounts of data from each of its 2 billion users across the globe. This data trove gives Facebook unparalleled commercial power and, as is becoming increasingly clear, the ability to influence significant…

Sydney, Australia’s Future: Will The Nimbys, Yimbys Or Bimbys Decide Its Fate?

By Jerome Irwin, Sydney, Australia, that illustrious city Down Under – that some once called, “The Pearl of the South Pacific” – is rapidly becoming over-stretched and over developed beyond belief. If the Australian government, and its corporate counterpart’s, radical…

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