

India and Russia are testing nuclear missiles: Where is the global outcry?

A new nuclear arms race has begun and it does not revolve around the number of weapons, but on increasing their deadliness. Recent nuclear missile tests by India and Russia show that nuclear-armed states are blatantly flaunting their nuclear power,…

Markets: The enemy shows its face

Recent events have clearly demonstrated the great role and power of the so-called markets. The words of the European Budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, “The markets will teach the Italians how to vote correctly” are unequivocal. In fact, this is a…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 1- The great civilizations of southern Africa

About 1600 years ago the Shona, a very well-organized warrior people, descended from Sudan to southern Africa, bringing with them astronomical and spiritual knowledge as well as the practices of agriculture and metalworking (gold, iron and copper). From the scarce…

Germany. Teachers say NO to the union of armed forces and schools

The banality of evil. Classrooms and courtyards converted into barracks; parades, choirs and bands of students and soldiers; training, coexistence, history, foreign languages and gymnastics classes with generals and admirals; guided tours of bases, radar installations and military airports; study…

Criminalisation of solidarity, Hungary at the forefront

Hungary, ruled by Viktor Orban’s racist right wing, has always distinguished itself for its anti-immigrant policy (just think of the barbed wire barrier built in 2015 on the border with Serbia), but those who oppose it are now being harshly…

Oliver North Is The New President Of The NRA

By Danny Katch The NRA peddles conspiracy theories about shadowy “big government” thugs coming to take its members’ guns away — but its new president is notorious for actually being a deep-state conspirator, writes Danny Katch. WHEN THE National Rifle Association…

Corruption ends Rajoy’s term and puts socialist Pedro Sánchez as president

With 180 votes in favour and 169 against, the Spanish Parliament has kicked Mariano Rajoy out of the Moncloa [Parliament] and elected the socialist Pedro Sánchez. Sánchez becomes president of the government after a no confidence motion, an intelligent and…

What Kazakhstan’s Nuclear Legacy Means For CTBTO

Viewpoint by Marzhan Nurzhan The CTBTO Youth Group (CYG) holds its second international conference in Kazakh capital city Astana from August 28-30, 2018. The author is a CYG member from Kazakhstan, a convener of Abolition 2000 Youth Network and a…

Mass Shootings In The U.S. – An Historical Perspective

By Dr Arshad M Khan A week ago on May 18, 10 students were killed and 13 wounded at Santa Fe High school just south of Houston, within its metropolitan area.  The shooter was a student who, as can now…

Memorial Day THIS

“Memorial Day is a time to remember, appreciate, and honor the selfless patriots who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to freedom. At a time when our country seems so divided, we must not forget that it is because of…

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