

A World Federation

By John Scales Avery A “With law shall our land be built up, but with lawlessness laid waste.” Njal’s Saga, Iceland, c 1270 AD   The present United Nations Charter After the unspeakable horrors of World War II, delegates from…

More evidence: Fossil fuels cause both climate change and serious health problems. The Lancet

We have already pointed out that failure to connect the diverse consequences of fossil fuels use misses the opportunity to strengthen the case for an urgent switch to renewables: “Failing to connect the fossil fuel dots of climate change and health”…

Julian Assange cornered

by Sally Burch The fence is tightened around the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, who is still on asylum at the Embassy of Ecuador in London. International persecution is growing and his rights are being curtailed. In mid-November, it was…

EU-Tanzania clash: follow the money?

Until a couple of weeks ago, there had never been so much talk of Tanzania in the Western media. Many people wonder if behind the scenes there is something more relevant than African homofobia. In fact, they invite you to…

NATO: too many women?

Out of 29 NATO member states, 9 Defence Ministers are women: 9 to 20, almost 1 female minister every 2 male ministers. Statistical analysis demonstrates that this ratio is significantly greater than that recorded in all the other ministries of…

EU versus Tanzania: the cultural paradox

The official declaration by Federica Mogherini, head of the EU diplomacy, is known. The facts behind those statements are less clear. The interpretation probably most close to the factual reality is offered by Ansbert Ngurumo in Sauti Kubwa, Nov 2,…

Capitalism must be turned inside out

By Hadrien Coumans Capitalism hasn’t evolved since 1609 when the corporate and destructive Dutch West India Company arrived in Manhattan to colonize and then built the wall to keep the Lenape out, which Wall Street was named after. The only…

UN criticises UK austerity induced poverty…so…mission accomplished?

“The UK government has inflicted “great misery” on its people with “punitive, mean-spirited, and often callous” austerity policies driven by a political desire to undertake social re-engineering rather than economic necessity, the United Nations poverty envoy has found. “Philip Alston,…

Human Delusion and Our Destruction of the Biosphere: We Aren’t Even Trying!

Have you heard the expression ‘climate change’? That lovely expression that suggests a holiday in a place with a more pleasant climate. Unfortunately, only the rarest individual has the capacity to see through the elite-promulgated delusion that generated this benign…

Jamal Khashoggi and Saudi Arabia’s Dismemberment of Yemen

“Saudi Arabia must face the damage from the past three-plus years of war in Yemen.” These words opened the last column by Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi published while he was still alive. Three weeks later, on Oct. 2, Khashoggi…

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