

Trump Has Been Broken by the Military/Security Complex

by Paul Craig Roberts, Dec 9, 2018  In order to protect himself from the military/security complex, President Trump has abandoned his intention of normalizing relations with Russia. Just as the neoconservative ideology needs US hegemony, the military/security complex needs an…

Brussels to raise investment walls against China

By Leonidas Vatikiotis[1]. The European Union is preparing to close the door to China in the New Year, copying US President Donald Trump’s economic policy. In particular, as Bloomberg has revealed, intensive negotiations have long been going on between the…

Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes): where Democracy is on the march! [2/2]

Text and photos by Mauricio Alvarez. We have chosen to publish this article in two parts to simplify your reading.  The first was to recall the meaning of the word democracy and explain the root causes of the Yellow Vests…

Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes): where Democracy is on the march! [1/2]

Text and photos by Mauricio Alvarez. The Yellow Vests movement is growing more and more. A few days before a fourth major day of demonstrations, scheduled for Saturday, December 8, 2018, actions are multiplying all over France: roadblocks, blockades of…

G20: False dilemmas, theatre and cruelty

Today, the G20 is a meeting that politically represents the interests of large corporations and global finance. In other words, it serves the business of capital and in no way takes into account the well-being of the people who live…

Yellow vests: risk or opportunity?

In recent weeks, France has witnessed an unprecedented mobilization in the country’s recent history. Thousands of people in many parts of the territory are expressing their anger at the measures put in place by Emmanuel Macron’s government. At the dawn…

Tyranny Against Humanity: Human Rights and Global Politics

The tyranny of human rights violations – planned and alleged goes unabated across the globe. Late American historian Howard Zinn must have sensed the human cries against Nature and called “Tyranny is tyranny.” Nobody seems to care for the dried-ink…

The Guardian Publishes Still More Blatant MI6 Lies on J. Assange

The Guardian, Washington Post and New York Times have been publishing a stream of deliberate lies, in collusion with the security services. The idea of the “liberal media” no longer exists in the new plutocratic age. The press are not…

Nationalisation Without Compensation

“…The City of London is our enemy and will naturally attempt to resist or punish any attack on its continued ability to be the conduit for the hoovering dry of the national wealth…” When slavery was abolished in the British…

American Voter Turnout Is Shameful, No Matter the Historic Midterms

History was made in the U.S. midterm elections, most notably the Democratic takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives. An unprecedented 100 women were elected to serve in Congress, among them Native American, Muslim, African-American, Latina and LGBTQ firsts. But…

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