

The money of the banks, the army and the Catholic Church

 The real military expenditure of the Kingdom of Spain is immense. And it is increasing. It is one political option to devote a considerable part of the general state budget to military expenditure, but it is another to devote this…

The “mileinato”, co-government, the Pope… and the street

After the failure of his omnibus law in Congress, at odds with governors and with his popularity and credibility on the wane, far-right President Javier Milei would meet with former President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) to discuss the formal incorporation of…

An important step towards equality for same-sex couples

Back to 2008. Based on what we learned a few hours later and what is detailed in the later documentary by Panagiotis Evaggelidis, the late Mayor of the tiny island of Tilos, Tasos Aliferis, performs a civil marriage to two…

Is there a window of opportunity for peace in Ukraine and the Middle East?

The outcome of the presidential elections to be held this year in the US and Russia could mean a return to the doctrine of nonviolent co-existence between the US and Russia and the consequent end to Cold War 2.0. Thus,…

Arctic Sea Ice Loss – A World of Trouble

What if Arctic sea ice melts? All of it… during the summer! According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), over the past three decades, the oldest, thickest ice (13-20 feet thick) has declined by a stunning 95 percent…

There Is No Place for the Palestinians of Gaza to Go

On February 9, 2024, Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that his army would advance into Rafah, the last remaining city in Gaza not occupied by the Israelis. Most of the 2.3 million Palestinians who live in Gaza had fled…

Entering the Singularity Point in full swing

This is not the first time we refer to this issue, but from time to time it is interesting to make a comparison in the context of the current situation. By Javier Belda By way of introduction, we will make…

Requiem for Sebastián Piñera

As a protagonist of the immortal Russian novelist Mikhail Bulgakov once said, “We are all suddenly mortal”. On the evening of 6 February this year, the helicopter of former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera crashed on Lake Ranco in the south…

Washington Promotes Opposition Candidate Setting the Stage for Delegitimizing the Venezuelan Presidential Election

Despite continuous US-led hybrid warfare to overthrow the socialist project, this month marks the 25th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution. The Venezuelan government of President Nicolás Maduro has successfully forced the US to de facto engage with it, although Washington…

Julian Assange: Unmasking Truth Amidst Global Tensions and Legal Battles

 In our complex world, understanding global events is crucial. We hunger for truth about Amazon rainforests, Tibet and China, Niger in Africa, Antarctica, Guyana, and the ongoing tensions between Russia and Europe in Ukraine, as well as the conflict between…

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