

Will more climate strikes achieve the breakthrough that we need?

Strengthening the climate movement requires a rethink of strategy and tactics. Tim Root for openDemocracy The global movement fighting climate breakdown has made some promising advances recently, chiefly thanks to Greta Thunberg and the other admirable school climate strikers. The…

The Flawed Food Dependency

(A Book Review: Food or War) By Robert Hunziker “The most destructive object on the planet… is the human jawbone.” (Food or War, Cambridge University Press, 2019) pg 177 Whether by sight, taste, touch, feel, or smell, it’s only too…

No opinion can be given on a report of questionable impartiality [re: Venezuela]

By José Gabriel Feres* There is no doubt that we humanists repudiate and reject the practice of violating human rights wherever it comes from. Not only do our ideology and principles support us, but above all our struggle against all…

Moving mindfulness from ‘me’ to ‘we’

If mindfulness is to become a force for social and political change it needs to radically expand its scope beyond individual therapy. Ronald Purser for openDemocracy Mindfulness provides important psychological and emotional benefits for individuals, but caring for our own…

The Limited Mind: Why Fear is Driving Humanity to Extinction

I have previously written many articles describing one or more aspects of the dysfunctional nature of the typical human mind, together with an explanation of how this came about and what we can do about it. See, for example, many…

Trump Is Forcing Iran to Follow North Korea’s Dangerous Example

“Axis of Evil” first appeared in former President George W. Bush’s State of the Union address in January 2002, describing Iraq, Iran and North Korea months after the Sept. 11 attacks. Fourteen months after the speech, the United States invaded…

Plea to All Indigenous & Non-Indigenous Peoples of The World

By Jerome Irwin Typically, like most Canadians, I’m deeply concerned about a lot of pressing issues in Canada and the world at large: the course and direction of the upcoming federal election; what some meekly call climate change while others,…

Democracy Is a Sham

By Jerome Irwin A question oft raised by journalists, writers and social scientists world-wide asks, “Is Democracy in the United States, as well as every other country in the world, dying a slow, barely visible death?” Military coups, openly fascist…

Pride and Faith: Why This Priest Marches

By Father John Jeffrey I am a child of God, a follower of Christ Jesus, and a priest in the Episcopal Church. I am also a middle age, queer, white cis man who carries his own share of baggage from…

Asterix and the Myth of Money: the Trump-Kushner peace plan for the Middle East

In 1976 René Goscinny wrote a script for his instalment of Asterix “Obelix and Co.” which turned out to be one of the best studies of neoliberal capitalism and the reasons for its failure. In short, tired of getting defeated…

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