

Two Necessary and Sufficient Principles

By Howard Richards Life’s (humanity’s and the earth’s) bottleneck problems can be solved, I dare to suggest, by applying just two general principles. The two can be regarded as principles of unbounded organization. Unbounded organization is the name of a…

The Precipitous Barbarisation of Our Times

By Roberto Savio When all is said and done, it appears that Thomas Hobbes, the 17th century English philosopher who had a dire vision of man, was not totally wrong. From the frivolous to the serious, in just a week we…

The vicious circle of wealth concentration

We often read statistics illustrating the accelerated concentration of wealth in the world; a few billionaires accumulate more wealth than the poorest half of the planet, and the richest 1% of the population owns more than half of the world’s…

We Only Need 12 million Americans for Transformative Change.

By David Andersson On a recent podcast entitled “How Only 3.5% of a Population Can Change Society, ” Sonali Kolhatkar interviewed Erica Chenoweth, co-author of the book Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict. The book describes…

President Trump Redefines ‘White House’

President Donald Trump has given new meaning to the “White House.” From his perch at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, he hurls racist epithets via tweet while commanding armed agents to terrorize immigrants at the border and in communities from coast to…

Poor tenants pay for landlords to live like kings. It doesn’t have to be this way

Britain has enough housing – it’s just that a series of outrageous policies makes it accessible only to the rich. By George Monbiot for The Guardian I have a friend who works almost every waking hour, mainly to pay the…

Who will save Europe from the latest threats of nuclear war?

This opinion piece written by Rafael Poch-de-Feliu[1] was published on his blog in Spanish with the original title “The discreet burial of the INF.” The most crucial nuclear disarmament agreement for Europe and Europeans is going down the toilet in…

Migration, imperialist wars, the arms trade and how capitalism functions

At the International Social Forum organised by the UK Labour Party on the 13th and 14th of July, 2019 a host of international speakers attended to give talks on subjects from global economics, climate crisis, global finance and accountability, movement…

Defeating capitalism through regulation and taxation

At the International Social Forum organised by the UK Labour Party on the 13th and 14th of July 2019 a host of international speakers attended to give talks on subjects from global economics, climate crisis, global finance and accountability, movement…

[Brazil] The media hide the attack on Glenn Greenwald in Paraty, by Alceu Castilho

“Nobody told me, I was at the table with Sérgio Amadeu, Sabrina Fernandes and Gregório Duvivier, as well as Glenn himself. The atmosphere of tension was enormous. Our speeches were interrupted by bombs and fireworks,” Castilho said. By Alceu Castilho…

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