

Lives in Ecology

By John Scales Avery A new freely downloadable book I would like to announce the publication of a book, which reviews the lives and thoughts of some of the women and men who have addressed the crucial problems of ecology…

Politics, Spirituality and Post-Truth in Argentina and the “World“

This material was presented in the Talk-debate developed in the Villa Hipódromo Command of the Frente de Tod@s, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza, Argentina. It was on September 10, 2019 by invitation within the framework of the Andrea Blandini Mayoral 2019-2023 Campaign.…

For the First Time in My Life I’m Against Impeaching the President

By David Swanson I had hoped to make the above statement after electing a president whom I did not consider a vile mass-murderous warmongering climate-destroying threat to humanity. I’m saying it early. I’m saying it while Trump is president. But…

Western media portrays Hong Kong hooligans as heroes. But are they?

By Andre Vltchek Whenever Hong Kong protesters are destroying public property, there are no cameras of Western media outlets in sight. But when police decide to intervene, protecting their city, Western media crusaders emerge in full force. On September 08,…

The insidious ideology pushing us towards a Brexit cliff-edge

For neoliberal zealots, no deal represents a great opportunity to dramatically reshape Britain By George Monbiot for The Guardian  At first sight it’s incomprehensible. Why risk everything for a no-deal Brexit? Breaking up their own party, losing their parliamentary majority,…

Comparative Political Leadership: Gandhi vs. Contemporary Leaders

On 2 October 2019, it will be the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mohandas K. Gandhi in Gujarat, India. I would like to reflect on the visionary leadership that Gandhi offered the world, briefly comparing it with some national…

Like a Phoenix rising from the flames of ignorance

By Mark Lesseraux Yesterday morning, when I saw the latest reports on what is going on in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, I was close to being overcome by a combination of anger and a kind of frustrated sadness. Frankly…

Inferno: From climate denial to planetary arson

By Dr Andrew Glikson The planetary consequences of injecting >910 billion tons CO2 into the atmosphere are playing in real time. The Arctic Circle is suffering from an unprecedented number of wildfires in the latest sign of a climate crisis. With…

Extinction Rebellion: What is it?

By Robert Hunziker The climate crisis is turning average law-abiding people into raging law-breaking eco rebels, by boatloads. Extinction Rebellion (ER) is at the forefront, demanding that governments declare climate emergencies and take urgent action. In that regard, ER, which…

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