

Goodbye Columbus, Hello Indigenous Peoples Day

Indigenous Peoples Day is increasingly being celebrated across the U.S. in place of Christopher Columbus Day, as the myth of Columbus as beneficent discoverer is debunked and as the critical role of indigenous people in protecting the planet becomes more…

The Nobel Committee Is Doing Better

By David Swanson The committee that awards the Nobel Peace Prize was right not to give the prize to Greta Thunberg, who deserves the highest prizes available, but not one created to fund the work of abolishing war and militaries.…

Ecuadorian state censors International Pressenza Radio En la Oreja [In the Ear]

We were censored. They censored me. The programme that we have been doing for five years on Radio Pichincha Universal cannot broadcast by order of President Lenin Moreno. This affront occurs after he ordered the contents of the station to…

Trump throws Rojava’s Kurds under Turkey’s bus

As reported by The Guardian “Turkish troops have advanced into north-eastern Syria, following airstrikes and artillery barrages aimed at US-backed Kurdish forces who control the region. ”The Turkish military confirmed on Wednesday it had “launched the land operation into the east…

The big polluters’ masterstroke was to blame the climate crisis on you and me

Fossil fuel giants have known the harm they do for decades. But they created a system that absolves them of responsibility by George Monbiot for The Guardian  Let’s stop calling this the Sixth Great Extinction. Let’s start calling it what…

Trump’s Opponents Have Him Beat . . . When It Comes to Incompetence

If Trump were to finally shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, Nancy Pelosi and Jerrold Nadler and company would not declare it acceptable, absolutely not. But what they would do would be to open a months-long investigation into the history of…

Dying Wildlife on a Warming Planet

Co-Written by Meena Miriam Yust and Arshad M. Khan The emaciated polar bear, a sorry remnant of magnificence, raiding garbage cans in an iconic, even infamous photo, is one consequence of global warming.  As the September (2019) National Geographic cover story displays…

Letter to Julian Assange from NoWar2019

By World BEYOND War, October 8, 2019 The fourth annual conference of World BEYOND War, which was held on October 4th and 5th in Limerick, Ireland, produced this letter, which is being delivered to Julian Assange. We are grateful to…

The Public Interest in Climate Change Reaches an All-Time High. It is the Effect of Greta Thunberg

By Ugo Bardi A little more than one year ago, I wrote a post titled “Why, in a Few Years, Nobody Will be Talking About Climate Change Anymore.” It turned out that I was completely wrong: Greta Thunberg changed everything.…

What we know about nuclear weapons and the nuclear industry thanks to WikiLeaks

“The Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded on 11 October. Why I support the nomination of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.” Felicity Ruby for openDemocracy The Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded on 11 October. Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have been…

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