

COP 25, “Calidad humana” and the Sixth Mass Extinction

By Prof. Dr. Roberto L. Mayorga* This article was published in Spanish some days before a surprising and massive social unrest burst throughout Chile during the last week of October, preventing COP25 (International Conference of the Parties for the Environment)…

Jeremy Corbyn is right: billionaires and poverty should not coexist

It’s ludicrous to suggest that we need billionaires to incentivise work and wealth creation. Luke Hildyard for openDemocracy billion pounds is an almost incomprehensible amount of money. One of the most successful tricks that the rich and powerful have pulled…

Blue Economy: A new economic frontier of Bangladesh

By Mushfiqul Haque Mukit The ocean considered as a source of wealth for millennia, and conjoining to the economies around the world. There are many large cities and centers of commerce developed depends on access to the sea, and now…

Armenian Genocide Resolution for Dinner

By Nancy Agabian On Tuesday October 29, the House passed a resolution acknowledging the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Many Armenian Americans celebrated, but I didn’t. Don’t get me wrong – as the granddaughter of a genocide survivor, I know how…

A Worldwide Revolution Is Underway

Puerto Rico. Hong Kong. Ecuador. Haiti. Lebanon. Iraq. And now, Chile. People are rising up around the world against austerity and corruption, defying police forces unleashed to suppress them. Many of these mass movements share a fierce critique of capitalism.…

Neoliberalism tells us we’re selfish souls – how can we promote other identities?

Public support for co-operation, collective ownership and mutual care have persisted, despite the popularity of some of the neoliberal agenda. What policies could the left pursue to build from where we are now? Christine Berry for openDemocracy onomics is the…

Greta and the young people who jumped the turnstiles

“How dare you?,” Greta Thurnberg said at the UN to those responsible for the planet’s environmental situation, angry, impotent, belonging to the generation that will inherit a world collapsed in its sustainability. She was coming to Chile to participate in…

How many Green New Deals are there

Faced with the evidence of the climate crisis, deniers no longer deny the rise of global temperatures, but rather contest its anthropogenic origin, in order to continue with business as usual. As Naomi Klein explained, the “Lords of oil” know…

The World Must Compel the U.S. to Allow Korea to Have Peace

By David Swanson I’ve never heard of or even seen fantasized a society or a government that wasn’t deeply flawed. I know neither North nor South Korea is an exception. But the primary impediment to peace in Korea appears to…

People taking to the streets in all continents demanding a humanised system

We are witnessing a moment of widespread social mobilisation in many cities around the world that seems to be gathering pace as the numbers swell and the demands become clearer, even if they begin with a very particular response to…

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