

A Spell Has Been Broken

For the lion’s share of the last half century, which is as long as I can remember (I am 51 years old), there has been an underlying “line” which, though rarely spoken about directly, was not to be crossed here…

Global Economy Still Slowing, Dangerously Vulnerable

By Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram In an annual ritual early in the year, most major economic organizations have released forecasts for the global economy in 2020. Incredibly, almost as a reminder of where financial power resides in this day…

Amazon Onslaught

This month Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro proposed a new bill promoting mining, expanded agriculture, and energy production on indigenous lands in the Amazon. Accordingly, private developers as well as private hedge funds will occupy and develop land that’s been home…

Buddhist Leader Calls for Nuclear Weapons Free Security

By Ramesh Jaura An eminent Buddhist philosopher and nuclear disarmament advocate has tabled four critical initiatives to “contribute to the creation of a sustainable global society where all can live with dignity and a sense of security”. The initiatives cover…

Why This Election Is Different

Elections, I think most of us can agree, usually bring out the idiocy, superficiality, and illogic in everyone who can muster any. Imagine supporting, as many did, Sanders and then Trump because they were both “outsiders.” On Tuesday, I heard…

How new creative actions are fueling Chile’s uprising

In response to repression by Chilean police, decentralized performances — sparked by small artist collectives — are replacing traditional barricades. On the surface, things have calmed down in Chile, after the initial weeks of massive demonstrations that began on Oct.…

The flu has killed 10,000 Americans this season

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 19 million Americans have been infected with the flu so far this season, and 180,000 of them have been hospitalized because of the illness. The flu virus has…

Forget Trump’s Lies, Here’s the Real Economic State of the Union

By Robert Reich I wasn’t going to comment on Trump’s lie-filled State of the Union message but the whoppers were so big—especially on the economy—that I feel compelled. Here, for the record, is the real state of the union: 1. JOBS: Average…

A Radical Call To Action

A radical call to action has never been more vital than today, as the abomination of capitalism known as neoliberalism tears apart society from stem to stern, continuing the grand experiment that originated under the watchful eyes and vision of…

A Climate Time Bomb With Trump’s Name Inscribed

Thwaites, in West Antarctica, is the world’s most dangerous glacier. As of January 15th, scientists have labeled it: “A Climate Time Bomb.” Thwaites is crumbling apart on the underneath side where warm ocean currents circulate, which is clear evidence that…

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