

UN Ceasefire Defines War As a Non-Essential Activity

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies At least 70 countries have signed on to the March 23 call by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres for a worldwide ceasefire during the Covid-19 pandemic. Like non-essential business and spectator sports,…

Exit Global Wars, Enter Coronavirus

by Achala Moulik  For now, political and ideological differences are being sunk to outwit a common enemy. Will it last? The war against Coronavirus, paradoxically, has made friends out of foes while waging war on the now common and powerful…

Are we Before the Possible ‘Awakening’ of Mankind?

A door has been opened and it is worthy to work on a new impulse for the humanization of the world. If we can be silent in this isolation, perhaps we will advance towards the awakening of the human being,…

Why You Should Never Vote for Joe Biden

There’s a video of Lawrence O’Donnell, spokesperson for MSNBC, saying in 2020 what he’s paid to say, namely that electing a candidate with a platform you approve of is somehow in conflict with electing a candidate who can win. The logic of…

Ending the Unthinkable Injustice of Human Chaining

By Emina Ćerimović and Kim Samuel When Akanni’s mother died in early 2018, she stopped eating for three weeks. Her mood became unpredictable; she was often shouting or sulking angrily. Medicine from a local pharmacist didn’t help. At a loss…

COVID-19: The Wrath of the gods?

Mythological stories are rich with narratives referring to the grave sins of man, heaping down the wrath of the gods upon them in the form of floods, plague, fire and famine. Sometimes these crimes were perpetrated against the natural order…

The Philippines Moving to Active Middle Power Diplomacy

Viewpoint by Aileen S P Baviera* Professor Aileen Baveira died of COVID-19 in Manila on 21 March 2020. MANILA (IDN) — The Philippines was first a colony and then a formal treaty ally of the United States for so long…

The U.S. Should Fight COVID, Not Venezuela

By Leonardo Flores On April 1, the Trump administration hijacked a COVID-19 press conference to announce the deployment of U.S. Navy vessels and other military assets towards Venezuela. According to Defense Secretary Mark Esper, “included in this force package are…

#NiñasNoMadres: Argentines protest against the forced pregnancy of young girls

‘A pregnant girl is a raped girl’ Written by Romina Navarro The only jurisdictions in Latin America where abortion is legal on request are Cuba, Uruguay, and a few states in Mexico. In Argentina, abortion is legal in only two…

Bringing communities together through film: community cinema responses to COVID-19

Community cinemas across the UK play a valuable role in bringing communities together to engage with film, build relationships, combat loneliness, to educate. In times of physical distancing they, and their representative body Cinema For All have found new ways…

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