

What’s the Matter With Science?

By David Swanson What’s the matter with science? By that, do I mean, why don’t we turn away from corrupt politics and religion and follow the way of science? Or do I mean, why have we allowed science to so…

Abrupt Ecosystem Collapse

By Robert Hunziker A new study in Nature (April 2020) casts a disturbing light on the prospects of abrupt ecosystem collapse. The report analyzes the probabilities of collapsing ecosystems en masse, and not simply the loss of individual species. (Source:…

Can Democracy Survive the Coronavirus?

By Sonali Kolhatkar The COVID-19 global pandemic has prompted a major question about leadership in a time of crisis: how to balance the importance of public health with the respecting of individual liberty? The virus respects no borders. It cares…

Our Time

What is the epoch if not the whole of human intentions at work? The accumulation of history, all the traces of the constructed past, but also the aspirations of those who are alive, pushing the present in one direction or…

An Unexpected Chance for the Success of Postponed NPT Review Conference

Viewpoint by Sergio Duarte The writer is Former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and current President of Pugwash. NEW YORK (IDN) – It took patience from the President-designate of the 2020 NPT Review Conference, a sober assessment of the…

The Economic Benefits of a Global Ceasefire

There doesn’t seem to be any dispute with the findings of various studies, that investing public dollars in most other things (education, green energy, infrastructure, healthcare, etc.), or not taxing the money from working people in the first place, produces…

The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup Against a Terrified Humanity: Resisting Powerfully

I have previously explained how the COVID-19 infection is being used to frighten us into submitting powerlessly to the global elite’s latest move to take much greater control of our lives and how those who can perceive this, and wish…

Now Is the Time to Dismantle Our Deportation Machine

By Alina Das* – The Nation Covid-19 makes it clear that our fates are intertwined As our public health infrastructure buckles under the pressure of Covid-19, billions of federal dollars are flowing to the Department of Homeland Security for civil…

Elections and Movements in the Time of the Pandemic

Mass movements make history. They don’t follow a prescribed trajectory. They aren’t predictable. Bernie Sanders’ bid for the Democratic presidential nomination is a case in point. On Wednesday, Sanders suspended his campaign, making former Vice President Joe Biden the presumptive…

Quarantined Argentine women protest spike in femicides from their windows

Misogynistic violence isn’t under quarantine. Argentina was 10 days into mandatory quarantine as a preventive measure against COVID-19 when women joined forces to protest against the increase in reports of gender-based violence during the lockdown. On March 30, at 6.p.m,…

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