


By Deven DeMarco “What is a week-end” is the quip Maggie Smith’s character queries in the show Downton Abbey. And Governor Cuomo upon greeting the press corps last week said Happy Friday- does that mean anything if there is no…

Universal Basic Income: Let the Robots Do the Work

This article is part of a series of articles that will try to briefly explain the different aspects of the Unconditional Universal Basic Income proposal. To read the entire series of publications on this same topic, click here. The debate…

The system is going to fall soon… everywhere. Part 2

What we can do…concretely A few months ago we wrote an article with the same title as the present one. That was before the Covid-19 virus. At that time it seemed unreal that this system which at that moment appeared…

It’s Healthy to Cut the Military Budget

By Jhon Sánchez I’m not planning to spend money on haircuts. Since I don’t go out, I decided to buy a pair of scissors and do it myself, at least for now. It’s not only a budgetary decision but also…

The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup: Fighting for our Humanity, Our Liberty and Our Future

We are being utterly transformed. And the world is being utterly transformed around us. Ostensibly, this is to tackle a simple virus. In reality, it is to achieve an elite design at staggering cost to humanity and to life generally.…

Forgotten Children

By Satyajeet Mazumdar Children residing in Child Care Institutions (CCIs, commonly known as orphanages) in India have often found themselves to be the forgotten lot, when it comes to support and development initiatives by the government. This has also been the…

A manifesto for the Coronacene

Herbert Girardet Can we initiate a global green recovery, embedding economics within sound ecological parameters? The global impacts of Covid-19 have left humanity reeling. This virtually invisible virus has greatly amplified an ongoing planetary emergency and reminded us of the fragility of the…

“Stay at Home, Stay Alive, Organize, Organize”

We’re between two historical epochs now: BC and AC — Before COVID-19 and After COVID-19. Established institutions, entrenched regimes and powerful corporations are well-positioned to navigate the uncharted waters of this in-between, “DC,” or “During COVID-19” time. Less equipped are…

Direct Communication, a Pillar of Health.

Direct communication with those around us is a need that we all experience and is a pillar of physical, mental, personal and social health. We need to communicate on issues that are common to all. We also need to communicate…

A Commonality

By Luca DiMatteo I usually write blogs that share a conglomeration of information on a topic I come across, but this is more of an op-ed observation mixed with some insight. As the number of COVID-19 articles begins to decrease,…

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