

Neoliberalism is in critical condition

Now is the moment to transition away from an economic system that thrives on exploitation. The Covid-19 pandemic is tearing the neoliberal playbook apart as politicians and citizens realise that, in times of pandemic, markets won’t save the day. The privatisation-deregulation-austerity recipe…

Defund the Police, Defund the Military

On June 1, President Trump threatened to deploy active-duty U.S. military forces against peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters in cities across America. Trump and state governors eventually deployed at least 17,000 National Guard troops across the country. In the nation’s…

Declare a State of Moral Emergency

By Peter Geffen Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd, but I am responsible. Sixty years ago Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel pointed to the reality of our moral situation then. His words ring truer today than ever: “In a free society, some…

Minneapolis’ ‘long, hot summer’ of ‘67 – and the parallels to today’s protests over police brutality

The scene was intense. Black residents of Minneapolis angered over an incident of police brutality fought with officers in the streets and set buildings ablaze. Many were injured; dozens were arrested. Eventually the National Guard, called in to patrol the streets, ordered…

What Should I Do?

Here in America, Black people are being asked by their White (or White passing) friends “What should I do?” to end racism. This question occurs, for many of us Black folks, especially, those of us who can trace our roots…

George Floyd, Presente!

“We’re here today because George Floyd is not here,” Keith Ellison, Minnesota’s first African American Attorney General, said on Wednesday afternoon. “He should be here. He should be alive, but he’s not.” Ellison then announced he was elevating the charge…

The Good, the Potential, and What Might Happen

Already we’ve seen, as a result of people taking to the streets in the United States: Four policemen indicted. More racist monuments dismantled. Some minimal and inconsistent limit on what the New York Times editorial page will defend having done in the…

For UK, Tackling Racial Injustice Should Begin at Home

Greater Efforts Needed to Address Discriminatory Policies The killing of George Floyd and the ensuing police violence against protesters across the United States have drawn widespread condemnation in the United Kingdom. But showing real solidarity requires reflection on the UK’s own record of racism and…

Indigenous communities, land rights and Covid-19

Indigenous territories impacted by oil palm, mining and criminalisation are disproportionately affected by Covid-19 – yet still they support those most vulnerable. Food sovereignty within the Indigenous communities of the Indonesian archipelago is under threat, not least during a pandemic.  The…

Observation Post: The Social Divide in the Time of Co-vid 19

The haves and have-nots. The privileged and the poor. Because of the pandemic, the gap is so much more evident, so in your face, here and in other parts of the world. The crisis forces you to look around, to…

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