

Billions of Children Are Being Punished by the Pandemic

“In June, the WHO, along with other UN agencies, released a landmark study, ‘Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020.’ Sadly, this study—like so much about the status of children in our time—has received almost no news coverage.”…

The Humans and the Viruses: The World Economic Forum and the Coronaviruses

The humans and the viruses are two forms of life with parallel but different adaptive strategies. According to the abbreviated story I am offering you, our pre-hominid ancestors crossed the line separating non-human from human and became homo sapiens when…

DACA, You Can Breathe

By Jhon Sánchez I cried when I heard the news that the Supreme Court had knocked down Trump’s intentions to rescind DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). DACA prevents deportation and grants work permits to those children who arrive in…

Indo-China Skirmish: Media Fires at China but Opposition isn’t spared either

By Abhay Kumar For the last few days the criticism of the Indian mainstream media — particularly the Hindi media — has been oscillating between China and the opposition parties. While earlier the media narrative trained guns at China for…

Why India-China border clashes matter

By Zou Yue Chinese and Indian soldiers recently engaged in the most serious border clash since they fought a war in 1962, leaving casualties on both sides. CGTN’s Zou Yue says the focus should be on the restraint exercised by…

Sanctions, Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Will Lead to Humanitarian Catastrophe

By Susanne Grabenhorst Susanne Grabenhorst is Chair of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) , a non-partisan federation of national medical groups in 63 countries*. The Covid-19 pandemic has spread across the world. Although the numbers…

Trump Rally in Tulsa Inflames Racism Amidst Coronavirus Surge

The weight of history is bearing down on the United States, as mass protests confront the enduring impact of systemic racism. Millions have been moved to action by the police murders of African Americans George Floyd in Minneapolis, Breonna Taylor…

One metre or two? The science behind social distancing

What constitutes a safe distance when it comes to the spread of COVID-19? The answer depends on where you live. China, Denmark and France recommend social distancing of one metre; Australia, Germany and Italy recommend 1.5 metres, and the US recommends…

Time to Act on Dr King’s Call to Tackle Evils of Racism, Economic Exploitation, and War

By Alice Slater, for InDepthNews. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) just issued its 2020 Yearbook, reporting on developments in armaments, disarmament and international security. In light of the drumbeat of frightening news about growing hostility between the dominant…

Who Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize in a Time of Pandemic?

By Vijay Prashad A few weeks ago, I was talking to Noam Chomsky about the state of the world. At one point, Noam smiled and said that he is not aware of any German doctors in Italy, even though both countries are…

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