

1772 A Slave with Due Process. 2020 Refugees Without it

By Jhon Sánchez In 1772, James Somerset was a slave brought to England by his owner Charles Stewart. Somerset managed to escape but later was apprehended and put into custody. Based on the habeas corpus petition, Somerset asked for his…

Politics in Times of Death

People don’t want to merely survive but would wish to resist the indignity of such a life. The way the pandemic has been handled across the globe, especially by authoritarian populist regimes, gives us very valuable clues into what politics…

Palestinians live the Apartheid of the 3rd millennium

The murder of Georges Floyd committed by a police officer who placed his knee on his neck, outraged all of America and a large part of humanity. Despite this awakening of a large part of the North American population. In…

May Force and Love Be with Us

The 18th June, Pressenza France published an article with the title “Dismissals of workers and new normality”, which consisted basically of pictures of workers protesting in Ecuador. After the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of unemployed has increased considerably. This fact…

Universal Basic Income: Who Pays for It

Every time that someone suggests a social measure which requires an expenditure, neoliberals and fearful people immediately show up stating that “ there is no money”. This seems to be our society’s main problem: the shortage of money. But where…

Ecumenical Patriarch “saddened and shaken” by Turkish plans to turn Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia into mosque

By: Mada Jurado The leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople (Istanbul), recently expressed his concern over Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s plans to convert the Hagia Sophia basilica into a mosque. The patriarch told the Washington Post: “What…

The Scent of India

In these times of social isolation due to coronavirus, my mind travels to India, where I once lived swathed in its jasmine perfume. I see its white sands; the sea that bathes its Goan beaches; the bluish red of its…

For Many Athletes, Challenging Racism Is No Game

Rebellion is growing, from Minneapolis, where demands to defund the police radiate globally from the site of George Floyd’s murder, to cities nationwide where monuments to Confederate generals, colonizers and others are being torn down. Some decry this onrushing change:…

Affluence is killing the planet

How can we reduce consumption as much as necessary in a socially-sustainable way, while still safeguarding human needs and social security? Would you like to be rich? Chances are your answer is: ‘Yes! Who wouldn’t want to be rich?’ Clearly, in…

Immigration: Roberts’ Emotion about DACA “Betrays” Trump

“Since 2012, DACA recipients have enrolled in degree programs, embarked on careers, started businesses, purchased homes, and even married and had children, all in reliance on the DACA.” That’s how U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the…

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