

Getting it Right: COVID19 Vaccines Procurement

In recent weeks, there have been some notable developments in relation to the procurement of potential vaccines against COVID19. On June 3, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy announced the formation of the Inclusive Vaccine Alliance (IVA) in order to negotiate with…

The Merits of Medicare for All Have Been Proven by This Pandemic

The horror of the coronavirus pandemic proves that progressives have been justified in demanding a single-payer health care system. By Sonali Kolhatkar A pandemic is not the time to be having discussions about how to design a national health care…

Ending Mass Unemployment and Poverty

The causa causans Keynes identified in a passage cited in the previous note was investment*. Investment by profit-seeking investors is regarded as the source of employment. If it stops, employment, stops. At least that is true when one sees the…

Philippines: Anti-Terrorism Bill Now a Law

On the same day that the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country breached the 40,000-mark, President Rodrigo Duterte signed the controversial Anti-Terror Bill into law without much regard to the clamor of people for a dialogue and to…

Opinion: A European Green wave may be coming — finally

Whether in France, Ireland or Germany, Green parties are gaining ground in Europe. Even when they don’t make inroads into national governments, the planet wins, writes DW’s James Jackson. The world is currently in the grips of two era-defining crises.…

Hey Congress, Move the Money

The past month’s activism has changed a great deal. One thing it’s helped with is brushing aside the tired old argument over whether government should be big or small. In its place we have the much more useful argument over…

Trump, Mt. Rushmore, COVID and the KKK

Paha Sapa is the traditional name the Lakota people give the sacred center of their universe. The region is also known as The Black Hills, in South Dakota, home of Mount Rushmore, itself named after a gold rush lawyer and…

What the EU’s Corona Fundraising Tells us about Global Solidarity

Viewpoint by Inge Kaul The writer, Dr Inge Kaul, is Senior Fellow, Hertie School, Berlin and Non-resident Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development, Washington, DC. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen organized two spectacular fund-raising events, one on May…

With the Pandemic, the Time Has Come to Put Limits on Private Property

Today the world is fighting a pandemic. Sooner or later the health issue will be resolved, but the economic consequences will be devastating, perhaps worse than those of the collapse of 1929, if a global recovery plan and a global…

Tackling climate with gender equality

An  equitable future for women means a livable future for all of us. We’re in the midst of climate crisis – it’s not theoretical anymore. And though some of the world’s finest minds are working hard on strategies to stave off…

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